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The majestic imperial monarch, surrounded by everyone, walked into the main hall with his head held high. The lights in the entire main hall of Klepa Palace instantly brightened several times, the band played high-spirited tunes, and the nobles saluted one after another, elegantly and according to their status. Take a seat. Of course, the seats that can get close to His Majesty Kemis are limited. Baron Hughes disguised as Shen Xiuyun is eligible for a seat, while Xino can only wait in the hall outside.

Emperor Kemis's face was red and he seemed to be in a good mood. After entering the banquet hall, he raised his hand slightly to signal that the band's performance subsided and the banquet hall became quiet.

"My beloved friends, and my dear people." Emperor Kemis spoke with a rich voice, raised the goblet filled with wine, and slowly swept his eyes across the entire place. "I'm very happy that you can come to celebrate my birthday today. I'm very happy to see you gathered here happily. Because this proves that our empire is still united. We are united and trust each other, and we are willing to serve for the empire. Prosperity contributes our youth and even our lives. We have never forgotten the original intention, glory, mission, and light of the founding of the country. We are born for the empire!" "Long live the empire! Long live His Majesty Kemis!" The nobles, whether sincerely or not, said one after

another A toast in response.

"We cannot forget the disaster two hundred years ago. The blood of our ancestors dyed the battle flag red. For the prosperity of the empire, we raise a toast! May peace prevail." Emperor Kemis drank the wine in the cup.

"For the prosperity of the empire! Peace exists!" the nobles echoed.

"Of course, besides being my birthday today, I also want to announce good news to you." Emperor Kemis said, looking behind him.

Princess Abigail stepped forward in military uniform. Her short golden ear-length hair made her sharp face look even more heroic. Her curvy figure was tightly wrapped in a dark green military uniform, but there was no hint of female enchantment. There was an amethyst earring on one earlobe, which shone brightly when she turned around.

"Princess Abigail's three-year nationwide inspection has ended. From now on, she will be the CEO of the Military Intelligence Department of our interstellar empire, in charge of all military aircraft. She is still young and does not understand many things. I hope that everyone here will do the same in the future. You can mention her more."

Princess Abigail didn't like to laugh, and her eyes were very sharp. Emperor Kemis finished the announcement. She ignored everyone's comments and whispers, put her military boots on, put her hand on her chest and bowed slightly. , then stepped back without saying a word, and stood back behind his father. Lord Kemis still smiled faintly, but his scheming eyes saw everyone's reactions.

This news was undoubtedly a depth charge. Although everyone tried hard to restrain themselves, they still could not hide the surprise on their faces. Some brave ones even secretly looked at the expressions of several princes at this time.

Emperor Kemis has a total of seven Alpha princes, among whom there are two most promising successors: the eldest prince Caesarron, who is in charge of the mission corps, and the fifth prince Galeman, who is in charge of the light corps. The seventh prince Luojia, who has recently become the commander-in-chief of the Glory Corps, is young and promising, and has an excellent bloodline, but his power in the parliament and the foundation of the palace are far behind the other two princes, not to mention that he has such a biological mother.

Both Galeman and Caesarron, in terms of talent and ability, Caesarron surpassed them by far, and the Mission Corps' importance in the imperial army was not comparable to that of the Light Corps. Therefore, many people felt that the eldest prince was deeply favored by the emperor and was unrivaled in the limelight. He can be defeated by humans, but he didn't expect that His Majesty Kemis suddenly airborne a Princess Abigail today.

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