0307- Crazy

565 18 4

"Hey." I smile at my dad as I make my coffee.

"Hi." He smiles back. He's already working, he's sat at the island on his laptop and he glances over at me over the top of his laptop.

"How's mom?" I ask and he nods.

"She's good, she's asleep, she's got chemo tomorrow." He tells me.

"She's sleeping a lot." I point out the obvious.

He watches me for a minute, trying to piece me together.

"You know that's the whole recovery process pip." He hasn't called me that in so long. He used to call me it a lot when I was growing up.

"I'm scared." I tell him.

"There's no need to be, she's going to recover from this." He tells me, he's so confident.

"I don't want to lose her, I've spent so much of the past years pushing you both away and now she's not well and I regret it so much. I've been such a bitch and she's been so patient and she's sick." I bite back my tears.

"Pip, we're not angry." He closes his laptop and walks around the island to me.

"You have every right to be." I tell him.

I've been so bad to my parents in the past recent years, so bad and they have been so good to me.

He holds my shoulders and looks into my eyes.

"You've been having a rough time and we understand that now, at the time we were so confused but we understand now. We love you and we want the best for you." He tells me.

"You're so happy now with Logan, your friends, your life, you're not the same person you were a few months ago." He kisses my forehead.

"Your mom is going to be okay, you're going to be okay and everything is going to be okay." He reassures.

"Promise?" I ask and he nods.

"I promise." He smiles.

He slides my bag off of the table and slips it on my shoulder.

"Go to school G, we'll see you later." He tells me.

I nod and quickly rush out of the door and head to meet the girls before heading to school.

"That's why "A" wants Garrett out of jail, so I can take his place." Hannah tells us.

"Okay, don't go there." Emily says to her.

"It's already past there, Emily. He knows about the note, he caught me at church, and it's my blood type." Hannah points out. She's not looking to good to the cops at the moment

"So what? You didn't kill anybody." Aria points out.

"Wilden said that Ali's family's been slamming him. Have you talked to Jason?" Hannah leans over me to ask Spencer.

"No, I can't even look him in the eye, but I'm gonna talk to him today." She tells us.

"Han, don't worry, there's nothing they can do. Until your mom gets back tomorrow." Emily tries to reassure her.

"So what? I have 48 hours left of freedom?" Hannah asks.

"You're not going to jail." I tell her. She's not.

"Maybe Spencer's mom can block the court order." Emily offers.

"You guys, what if it is my blood?" Hannah asks. She's obviously scared and very worried.

"How? Seriously, how could somebody take your blood and you wouldn't even know it?" Aria asks.

"Emily has a whole night that she doesn't remember." Hannah points out.

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