0411- Bring Down the Hoe

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The four of us are sat around a table at lunch- me, Emily, Aria and Spencer. Hannah hasn't been at school today, well I haven't seen her.

"Do you actually think she's been living in that crawl space?" Aria asks Emily.

We're telling about Cece obviously, she's our main lead.

"Aria, there was a sleeping bag." Emily tells her.

"Yeah but napping isn't living." Aria tells her.

"Unless you're a reptile, which kinda describes Cece." Spencer adds to the conversation.

"Atleast the Cece Mrs DiLaurentis remembers." Emily says.

Apparently Cece and Ali had a really toxic obsessive friendship and that wasn't good and Mrs DiLaurentis didn't like it one bit.

"Wait, not just Mrs D, even Shauna is scared of this girl." Aria says.

"Well I'm scared of Shauna." Emily says.

"I mean, she kinda has a weird look in her eye." I add in.

"Well she's not the one who has Jenna's head as batting practice at your birthday party." Aria says.

"Do we know anymore about that?" I ask.

"No." Spencer sighs. "Why is Cece going after Jenna?" She asks.

"Why would she go after any of us?" Aria asks. "We had nothing to do with her getting kicked out of college."

Apparently at that forwarding address in Philly it was Cece's old roommate. She told Aria that Ali got her kicked out of UPenn and she thought all of us were in on it so hates us for it.

"We have no idea what Ali could've told her." Spencer says.

I wish I remember more from this time. Logan says he doesn't remember much about Cece just that she was flirty and was someone everyone knew.

"What could Ali have told her to make us hate us so much she has to drill holes under Emily's house and stare up Emily's skirt." Aria throws out.


"How am I supposed to live in that house?" Emily asks.

"Just hang out on the second floor." Aria tells her.

"And wear underwear at all times." Spencer tells her.

"And just wear jeans when you're in the house." I tell her.

She sighs.

"I'm eating this." Spencer says grabbing Emily's cupcake.

"No." I groan. "I'll fight you for it." I say and Spencer quickly takes a big bite of it.

I roll my eyes and turn as Hannah sits down beside Emily.

"Hey, where have you been?" Aria asks.

"With my mom. She met another lawyer." She tells us.

"How'd it go?" Emily asks her.

"Not great." She admits with a sigh. "They're all just bottom feeders, trying to make a name for themselves."

"There are other ones." Emily tells her.

"Em, she's met all of them. They don't care what happens to her, she's just case 79." She sighs.

"Your mom is going to find someone who really cares about her." Aria reassures.

"She already has." Hannah throws a look in Spencer's direction. "Why can't you ask your mom, to ask the judge, to get back on that case."

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