Logan's POV

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There is nothing I hate more than climbing through Grace's bedroom window. But I do it when she doesn't answer the door, like right now.

I just heard Aria fill my parents in on everything that's happened tonight and I need to check in on Grace.

About A, Mona, the lies everything it all makes sense.

I need to check on her I don't care how angry she is.

I shouldn't of been so mean to her, it's been eating me alive.

She just keeps self destructing and trying to blow me up with her. I get it, I did it to her to but standing from the other situation I don't like it. It hurts and I need her to stop.

I know she's hurting, she's got a lot to work through and I should've just comforted her that night not left.

Why am I so stupid?

Her parents aren't here from what I've gathered from knocking the door and their car isn't out the front.

Once I'm in her bedroom I immediately close her bedroom window.

"Grace?" I call but there's no answer. Her phone is on the bed face down so she must be here somewhere.

I knock on her closet door but there's no answer. I check inside just to clear my mind before knocking her en-suite.

"Grace you in there?" I shout. No answer.

I turn the door handle and try to open it but there's something refraining it from opening.

"Grace?" I ask. No answer, again.

I push the door with a little more force before I can wedge myself through it.

Grace is lying on her back completely passed out.

I immediately notice the bottle of vodka in her hands and once I notice that it doesn't take long to notice everything else.

The white powder on the counter.

The empty baggie on the floor.


Her lips are blue and she's really warm.

"Grace?" I ask and wait for her response.

This is not happening.

No. No. No.

I put my head to her chest to listen to her breathing.

Breathing should be faster than that right? Fuck why is she breathing so slow?

Once I pull my head from her chest I see the foam starting to form at her mouth.

Shit. Shit. Fuck.

I put her on her side and reach into my pocket for my phone and immediately dial 911.

"I think my girlfriend has overdosed."

The door opens and her parents rush in.

"Oh my god." Mrs M turns into her husband the second she sees Grace.

"What happened?" Grace's father asks.

"I don't know." I admit and he just holds his wife. Well I know she overdosed and that's about it.

"I didn't even know Grace had ever tried drugs." Mrs M wailed.

"It's okay." He runs his hand up and down her back.

"No it's not. Look at her!" She cries harder.

"I am looking at her, you need to breathe and calm down. You aren't doing anyone any favours by stressing." Grace's father comforts her mom.

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