0105- Reality Bites Me*

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I'm stood leaning against the counter in Spencer's kitchen, shaking whilst sipping coffee.

Last night I learnt about Aria's dad's affair. My mind is fixed on Logan, how he is and how he's taking it. That boy has been a mommy's boy since day one, so I know he hasn't got anything nice to say to his dad.

My mind feels like it's been through a blender. I hardly got high yesterday and with all the news I've received it's all taking it's toll on me.

My phone pings and I grab it straight away.

Mom- come home soon please <3

"This is the letter A sent my mom." Aria says reading  the same piece of paper for the millionth time. "You know it's not your fault right?" Emily asks. "It's your dad's mistake, totally." Emily adds.

"No it's my fault." Aria says and I bite my lips hard so I don't roll my eyes. "You did not hook up with her and ask your kid to cover for you." Spencer says.

"Ali told me I should've told my mom right after it happened." Aria says. "Ali? Allison knew?" Emily asks. "Yeah, she was with me." Aria admits.

"So, Allison saw this Meredith person?" Spencer asks. "Meredith? Her name is Meredith?" Hannah asks and I scoff. "That's not even a cute-girl name. I'm seeing big pores and lousy roots" Hannah adds.

"Hannah, I think it's a little too soon to joke." Spencer says and I roll my eyes. "I don't, if you laugh now it'll be easier to get over." I shrug and they all turn to me. They all know I'm not a morning person, so engaging in a conversation this early is something they don't expect.

"Plus, if you're gonna cheat you might as well with someone who deep- conditions her hair occasionally." Hannah jokes and I scoff again.

"Here, put something in your mouth that isn't your foot." Spencer hands Hannah a bagel before turning to me. "Give me that." She says taking the coffee out of my hands. "Sit down you're shaking." Spencer says and I shrug. "No seriously, you're shaking worse then Spencer on caffeine withdrawals." Emily adds.

I sit in between Emily and Hannah and slowly eat a bagel.

Hannah turns around to face Aria.

"Look, I'm just trying to say that when my dad left laughing sometimes helped. So did crying." Hannah says.

"My father hasn't left guys." Aria says coming to sit at the island. "This happened over a year ago." She stands up and makes her way over to us

"You don't think he's gonna leave do you?" She asks. Someone is gonna leave, that's how these things work. But I keep that to myself. "Look, whatever happens, we're here for you." Emily encourages.

"Thank you guys. For staying here. I couldn't have been here alone." Spencer changes the subject.

"When's you're family getting back?" Hannah asks. "This afternoon." Spencer nods.

"Weren't you gonna clean off the mirror before they get here?" Aria asks and Spencer looks scared. Yeah I know, weird?

"Want me to come up with you?" Emily asks. "We should all go." Aria says.

"It doesn't take five of us to clean a mirror." Hannah states and I agree with her. "We'll just wait here." I state.

"Make sure the doors locked." Aria says and just before the girls could head upstairs, Hannah's phone chimes.

I peer over Hannah's shoulder and look to see a text from A.

"Well, the creatures back. We should've never unblocked our phones." Hannah sighs and I shrug. "I would rather a text from A then my mom getting a letter about my dad's affair." I say and they all shoot me a look.

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