0306- The Remains of the 'A'

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"Mom, have you seen my jeans?" I shout.

"What jeans? Do you even own any?" She says as comes into my bedroom.

"I have like 2 I think." I tell her whilst rummaging through my closet.

"Where you going?" Mom asks with a raised eyebrow.

"Logan's lacrosse game, he told me not to wear a skirt because it's distracting and I'll get cold." I tell her.

"G, I didn't need to know all of that." She cringes and shakes her head.

"Fuck sake." I pull out all my clothes whilst trying to find my jeans.

"I give up." I say surrendering my hands and glancing down at the mess I made.

"Right well, don't forget to clean t-"

"There they are." I say sweeping my jeans up off of the floor.

"Thanks mom." I smile and head out to my bedroom. I put my jeans on my bed beside one of Logan's jerseys before I do my makeup.

My mom wanders out of my room, shaking her head as she does so. I finish my makeup and then change into my jeans and jersey.

I put some black heels and match it with a black purse.


I make my bed quickly before heading downstairs and grabbing my keys. 

"I've got to go. I'll see you later!" I call and rush out to my car to head to Logan's game.

I take a seat in the stands when my phone buzzes.

Replaced the note, she started freaking out though, coded I think. Are you meeting for lunch at the grille?

I quickly text her back before focusing on the field as the teams start coming out.

"Hey." I hug him as he makes his way over to me. "You played really well." I encourage and he smiles.

His team won.

"Thanks." He kisses me.

"Are you ready to go home?" He asks and I glance down at the time. I've got to meet the girls for lunch.

"I'm having lunch with Aria, Spencer and Hannah." I tell him.

He pouts and then kisses me again.

"Can I come?" He asks.

"I wish you could." We have so much to talk about, stuff he can't know.

"Okay well will you come over later?" He asks and I nod.

I kiss him again and take his hand in mine as we head to the parking lot.

"So why aren't any of your family here?" I ask with a raised eyebrow.

"They don't know about the matches." He admits.

"You don't tell them?" I ask and he shakes his head.

"Why n-"

"Logan!" Jacob shouts. He's with some guys and like two girls,

"You coming to celebrate?" Jacob asks.

"I'll stop by later. I've got plans." He tells Jacob, who groans.

"Hi Grace." He waves at me. I wave back.

I turn from the group Jacob is with to Logan, who's looking at me.

"You okay?" I ask and he nods.

"You don't want to celebrate?" I ask, he shakes his head.

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