0414- Who's In The Box

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We change out of our ridiculous outfits into some of Spencer's spare pyjamas. We're also just talking about everything that's fucking happened.

"Where has she been all this time?" Hannah asks.

"I don't know, do you think she's been finding right here in Rosewood?" Emily asks.

So many questions.

My knees are kind of sore and are all grazed and cut, along with my hands.

"Why would she be hiding? Why couldn't she just come back?" Hannah asks.

"I don't know." Aria sighs, I'm sat on Spencer's chair with my ankle on some pillows.

"You keep saying that." Hannah points out.

"Yeah, because, I don't know." Aria tells her.

"What do we know?" Emily settles, "Somebody tried to kill Ali, they buried her in her backyard."

"Right, then, Grunwald pulled her out." Aria adds.

"Yeah like a carrot." Hannah cringes.

"But why didn't she just call the cops?" Aria asks. Really?

"Which cops was she supposed to call? Wilden? Garrett?" Emily questions.

I look over to Spencer who's just looking out her bedroom window at the barn, where Ali was stood.

"Ali not calling the cops is the only thing that I do understand." Hannah says.

"You guys, we just found out that Ali is alive. She's really alive. Why am I not insanely happy?" Aria asks.

Thank god.

Since I got back in this house all I've felt is insane dread and anxiety about the whole situation.

"Thought it was just me." Emily sighs.

"It's not." Hannah adds.

"Look we can figure out how we feel about this later." Spencer turns from the window to us. "The fact is that Ali is alive. And she's been hiding out this whole time maybe in Rosewood, maybe Philadelphia maybe it was in Nova Scotia."


Where even is Nova Scotia? Canada?

"But the sooner we make it safe for her to come back, we can sit her down in a chair and ask her what the hell is going on? And why she would do this to us?" Spencer tells us.

"Ali always liked games." Emily speaks up.

"What like she's been playing with us?" Aria asks. "Chasing us around the game board like she was-"

"Like she was A?" Emily cuts her off. "Tell me you've never thought that yourself."

I mean. It would make sense. How she knew all the stuff at the beginning.

"No, that's crazy isn't it?" Hannah questions.

"Well we have to consider every possibility, don't we?" Emily asks.

Spencer comes and sits on the arm of the chair I'm on, pulling a leaf from the back of my hair.

"Not the ones that make you hide in a closet with a quart of ice cream." Hannah argues.

"There is someone that Ali is so afraid of, she can't come back." Spencer speaks up. "Who?"

"Toby said the only thing Shana was guilty of was selling Jenna's car to Mona." Emily speaks up.

Spencer rang Toby to find out what he knew and it was just that.

Logan then was panicking down the phone and wouldn't calm down till Spencer and the girls agreed for him to come over and see me. He's on the way.

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