0308- Stolen Kisses*

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"Mona's trying to help us. Why else would she give us this?" Hannah argues with Spencer.

Spencer lets out a sigh as Aria comes back into Emily's room. We're all stood/ sat around Emily's laptop looking at the website.

"Emily's still on the phone." Aria comes back in and tells us. "She seemed to take it okay, didn't she?"


"What, like we should be used to hearing from ghosts by now?" Spencer asks.

"Spencer, why can't you admit that she trying to help us?" Hannah argues.

"Hannah, did you ever stop to think why Mona would want to help us?" Spencer asks

"Because she's afraid of something... just like we were afraid of her." Hannah points out.

"I don't know." Spencer says.

"Yeah, you don't know. But the cops are still
after my blood." Hannah argues.

It's to early for this.

"I told you, my mom will handle that." Spencer tells her.

"I hate needles." Hannah stands from her chair.

"Okay, look... whether this if fake or not, we've got to figure out what's on that site." Aria says.

Emily walks back in and we all turn to her.

"It was Nate." She tells us.

"What did he want?" Aria asks.

A piece of Emily.

"I promised to hike up with him to the old boat house. Told him it was Maya's favourite spot in Rosewood." Emily tells us.

"You're not... Gonna, like, tell him about this, are you?" Spencer asks. She looks very worried.

"If I did that, I'd have to tell him how we know about it." Emily says.

"Em, what do you... Want us to do about this?" Aria asks.

That's not a very good way of asking.

"Do you mind if we try and break into Maya's site?" Hannah asks.

"We have to." Is all Emily says.

"Okay, how do we get past the password?" Aria asks and I glance over at Spencer. If anyone knows it will be her.

"It's just a password, there are ways of cracking it." Spencer says.

Emily gets off of the bed and tries a few passwords, none of them work.

"Thought I had an idea of what it was. Guess I don't know her as well as I thought I did." Emily sighs.

"Are you coming to Spencer's after school, we're gonna try crack Maya's site?" Hannah asks as we sit down for lunch.

"I promised Mike I'd go to his match." I tell her.

She smiles. A genuine smile.

"You're such a girlfriend girl now. You spend so much time with Logan, it looks good on you." She smiles.

"He makes me feel happy and safe." I admit to her.

"I'm so happy for you." She says. "I hope A leaves you two alone. I don't want you two to break up." She tells me.

"I hope A leaves us alone to." I tell her.

"Is he questioning anything?" She asks.

"No." I admit. He's not. Since rehab he's been a lot more trusting.

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