0305- That Girl is Poison

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"I thought Hanna was joining us for dinner." Emily says as we leave her house.

"Hanna hasn't eaten since Tuesday." Spencer says.

"Should we grab a pizza and go over there?" Emily asks.

"Not unless the topping is Caleb." Spencer says.

I feel so bad for her, like seeing her the other night was heartbreaking.

This new A is vicious.

"If you guys want to to see her, can you just go without me? I already feel bad enough that I convinced her to tell Caleb." Aria shakes her head .

"With or without you she was backed into a corner." Emily tells her.

"Yes, how many times have we been over this?" I ask Aria. "Her telling Caleb would be the smartest move, unfortunately none of us knew A would run his mom off the road so now she's right back where she started, protecting him. It would've happened regardless." I tell her.

She sighs but nods.

"This "A" does not feel like a high school girl playing games." Spencer says and I scoff.

She's got that right, this feels worse.

"Well, if you figure out those rules, can you tell the rest of us?" Aria asks.

"You know what? I'm not really hungry." Emily announces.

"Me either.My stomach's in a knot." Aria sighs.

Well, I'm starving.

"So's my neck. I haven't been able to brush the back of my head in, like, a year and a half." Spencer says.

Well her hair looks pretty tame to me.

"Spence, don't let Wilden freak you out. If the police really knew that we were lying about the lake house-"

"Not just the lake house. What about the negatives of that picture, Ali's missing body, all the things we buried with her...any of that could
get us arrested." Emily cuts Aria off.

"It's my neck again." Spencer rolls her head back.

Sirens are suddenly approaching and they're in Emily's street. Police and ambulance.

What's happened to Jenna this time?

"Are they going to Jenna's?" Aria asks.

"Garrett's." Emily confirms.

"Well, who else lives in his house besides his parents?" Aria asks.

"I don't think they've been outside since he was arrested." Emily tells us.

I probably wouldn't either.

"Having a son in jail for two murders might keep you indoors." Spencer tells them.

"It would keep me indoors." I tell them.

They roll out a women.

"That's his mom. That's Mrs. Reynolds." Emily tells us.

"You guys." Aria says, grabbing Spencer and I.

"What? What is it?" Spencer asks

"Over there." Aria points to the fence and some trees and bushes.

What am I supposed to be looking at?

"There was a hoodie watching." She tells us.

"What are you saying?" Spencer asks Aria.

"You think "A" was out here watching us?" Emily asks.

"Are you sure?" Spencer asks.

"Why would "A" care about Garrett's mother?" Emily asks.

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