0420- Free fall

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A/N: I missed the shadow play episode as it's all just apart of Spencer's brain. The only thing from the show that isn't is that the girls (minus Aria) find Alison's diary in Mr Fitz desk, they also catch Aria kissing Mr Fitz.

The three of us, Hannah, Emily and I rush to the toilets to check in with Spencer after her text.

We open the toilet doors to Spencer in the worst outfit I've ever seen in my entire life.

She's literally wearing shower shoes to school.


"Hey." She says turning to us as the three of us walk in.

"Hey." We say back slowly.

"What are you wearing?" Hannah drags out.

"It's nothing, I...I had to change and this is all I had in my gym locker." Spencer admits.

"Did you...?" Emily trails off, taking a step closer. "Have an accident?" She whispers the end part.

"What? No!" Spencer stuns.

"Well are you going to? What is up with those shower shoes?" Hannah asks with a scoff.

"That's the worst outfit I've seen, no offence." I quickly add in.

"Can you just forget about the outfit, okay?" Spencer locks the toilet doors.

"We have an emergency situation here." She turns back to us.

"Is that why you called me at 4am?" Emily asks.

"Wait, what?" Hannah questions. "I thought that after we saw Aria lip locking with the devil you went home to calm down and crash."

"I...I must've just hit dial whilst I was asleep." Spencer defends. "Look, ok, I know we said we were going to talk to Aria after school, but I really think we need to tell her about Ezra sooner. Like now."

"What?" Emily questions. "Spencer we can't tell her now."

"The longer we wait, the more dangerous it becomes." Spencer expats.

"And you think it's any less dangerous to drop a bomb like that while she's going into class?" Hannah asks.

"We can't do that to her." Emily says.

"Do what? Protect her?" Spencer shouts. "Ezra spoke to me this morning and I could barely maintain eye contact. Meanwhile, for all we know right now, Aria is hooking up with him in some janitors closet! How does that not make your skin crawl?"

My body shivers the second she says it.

Poor Aria, she's in love with a man who's ruining our lives.

"It does!" Emily jumps in. "Look, I know you don't want to keep her in the dark. Okay, but this isn't going to be easy. She's in love with him and she has given up a lot to be with him. I mean it's going to be difficult for her to believe he's even capable of this." Emily says.

The bell rings.

"I have to go, I have a test." I sigh pushing to the door.

"We'll do this later." I sigh.

Hannah, Emily and I are at lunch.

Neither of us can stomach seeing Aria and we have no clue where Spencer is.

I'm like aggressively eating this sandwich I got from the cafeteria that's so bad. I'm just scared if I don't shove something in my mouth I'm going to say something I'll regret.

"Are you going to eat that?" Hannah asks Emily.

"Yeah I told you that like five seconds ago." Emily rolls her eyes.

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