I get to be in charge of the music which is the smartest idea because I have the best music taste.
We're sat in Spencer's living room just catching up about the summer. It's been a long one, a lot has changed.
I am 5 months sober, I'm in a healthy relationship with Aria's older brother.
I went to rehab for six weeks and when I came back I finished my junior year.
When I was in rehab I focused a lot on my education, so I did a lot of my school work there.
Logan wasn't allowed to visit, it was one of my dads terms
"Em, you, Grace and I are the only ones who did anything worth talking about this summer.Aria took some boring picture class and Spencer went to college." Hannah says sipping her drink.
They asked me if I was comfortable with them drinking.
Being 5 months sober is still fresh to be around alcohol but I'm actually really good at controlling myself. I don't think drinking or doing drugs socially was my problem.
My life is going so well at the moment so I have no desire to dulge into any old extra curricular activities.
So no I don't mind that they're drinking right now and I'm sober.
"I took a full load at Hollis, and Aria beat out
a thousands applicants for a space in that photography class." Spencer tells Hannah.Before my mom changed over chemo we went to London and Spain, she loves both countries and it was to just help boast her morale.
She was so happy when we were there. I wish she could go back.
"So, how many houses did you build?" Hannah changes the subject back to Emily.
Emily is a mess, she's already drunk.
She's clearly still such a mess over the whole Maya situation which is completely understandable.
"Uh, I think we finished about six." She tells us.
"And in poor countries, one house is like a home for fifty." Hannah says proudly of Emily.
"Okay, Miss Productive. How much of your list did you actually do?" Spencer asks Hannah.
"Let's see... Cooking class with Caleb. Done. Volunteer at the animal shelter for pocket dogs-"
"Wait. That exists?" Spencer asks.
"Did not do." Hannah crosses it off her list.
"Expand my vocabulary. Effectuating. Interned for Vera Wang." Hannah goes in.
"You got an internship for Vera Wang?" Emily asks.
No she didn't. Well unless she did under our noses.
"Yeah, I changed my mind. Turns out they want you to work for free." She says making us laugh.
"Was that a car?" Aria asks. There was a loud noise outside but I've just played it off as wind each time.
"No, just the wind." Hannah says.
"Oh, careful Em, they're already pretty strong." Aria says as Emily pours herself more.
"Maybe for you, you're a pixie. I've gotten really good at this." Emily says.
Our phones all chime together and I sigh as I reach for my phone.
"Show me your boobs. 'A'." Spencer reads out.
"Does Mona have a ten-year-old brother?" Aria asks.
"A for annoying." Emily says.

Vodka Kisses
FanfictionPLL- OC x OC Logan Montgomery and Grace Martin Grace Martin had her heartbroken in secret by her best friends brother. Before anyone could really notice the difference in Grace, Allison went missing and the Montgomery family moved to Iceland. But wh...