I hate this stupid choir class. Hate it. The only reason I'm here is so all of us can be in a class together.
Ali got called out half way through by Tanner, into a room off of this room that we can see in to.
Once the bell rings the five of us head to our bags to gather them.
"Why would Tanner do this in here?" Emily asks.
"To make a point, we're next." Spencer glances over at Hannah.
Hannah fucked up. She got drunk and spilled god knows what to someone called Sydney on the swim team.
"Maybe the cops saw Ali sneaking out of her house last night, too." Aria points out.
"You didn't tell Ali about Spencer's tapes did you?" Emily asks.
"Of course not. Someone us know how to keep our mouths shut." Aria glares at Hannah.
I'm kind of worried for her. She looks tired constantly and I haven't really heard from her. She's going through something and getting drunk and spilling isn't something she'd normally do.
Ali comes back over to us by our bags, glancing over at where detective Tanner just was.
"Hey, what was that about?" Emily asks.
"Shana. It was all about Shana." Ali tells us.
This is not good.
"Does Tanner know we weren't in Philly that night?" Aria asks.
"I can't tell, but she clearly doesn't believe my story. She's trying to trip me up." Ali tells us.
"Okay, well I've got to go call Ezra." Aria grabs her bag.
"No, Aria wait." Spencer stops her.
"For what? So she can go ambush him whilst he's having a medical check up in New York? He needs to know what was broadcast in the Brew." She sends another nasty glare Hannah's way before rushing outside.
I can understand why she's upset, I can. If all of this comes out she's going to prison and Hannah being loose lipped isn't helping with trying to keep it together.
"When did this happen?" Ali says.
I glance her way to see her with a sheet music in her hands.
I glance around Spencer to look at the music.
Someone circled all the A's.
"Did you have your bag with you all morning?" Spencer asks her.
"Yeah." Ali nods.
"What are you looking at?" Hannah asks and takes the sheet music.
"I don't get it." Hannah says.
"Somebody's circled all the As." Hannah flips to a page and stops.
"What?" Ali and I ask in sync.

Vodka Kisses
FanfictionPLL- OC x OC Logan Montgomery and Grace Martin Grace Martin had her heartbroken in secret by her best friends brother. Before anyone could really notice the difference in Grace, Allison went missing and the Montgomery family moved to Iceland. But wh...