I stand in the Hannah's kitchen with the girls whilst we talk about Emily moving in with Hannah.
"I thought you were getting your own room?" Aria asks Emily.
"That was before the pipes went off behind the walls." Emily tells us.
"They had to fix the pipes and put the wall back in, so we're roomies till then." Hannah smiles.
"It'll be so fun." Emily smiles.
That's so cute. They're so excited to be roomies. I wish I had that with them instead I count even count the numerous lies I've told them and not even just that I can't the minutes it takes me to get away from them so I can add to my lies,
"I know! It's gonna be like a sleepover that never ends." Hannah smiles.
A minute passes as I sip my coffee whilst Spencer asks Emily a question. "Has Garrett called you about Ian's messenger?"
"Not a sound." Emily says and I raise an eyebrow. Something is fishy.
"Guys, we dragged Garrett into this. We just gotta trust him." Aria shrugs.
I don't trust anyone.
"We're trusting hun with Ian's $10,000 and I could've used some of that to replace Melissa's ring." Spencer sighs.
"And if they traced the money from Ian to you? How would you explain that?" Hannah asks.
"I just don't like waiting. If we're too quiet A will get bored and stir the pot." Spencer says.
"And if we say something A is gonna smack us down. I don't wanna walk into another A-stravaganza. Like that fashion show." Hannah says. True point.
"God the look on Mrs DiLaurentis' face." Emily says.
I cringe.
I try not to remember because it was that fucking awful.
The doorbell suddenly rings and Hannah goes over to answer it.
"This isn't about making us look like bitches anymore, is it?" Aria asks and I scoff.
"God no." I roll my eyes.
"It's about keeping us quiet." Spencer tells her.
"Why?" Aria asks.
"Because A might be the one who killed Ali. That's what we're all thinking isn't it?" Emily asks and I nod.
"Why else go through all the trouble of setting up Ian?" Spencer asks.
"You guys." Hannah says walking into the kitchen with a basket. "Look at the card." She sighs.
Emily pulls out the card and reads it out to us.
"What fun, two little liars under one roof. You're making it so easy. A."
Hannah digs through the basket.
"It's not even good candy." she says and I scoff.
I push my bag on my shoulder and head down stairs."Hi I'm leaving." I tell mom.
"Is Logan picking you up?" She asks and I groan.
"So that's a yes?" My mom asks,
"I guess." I scoff.
"Okay, don't forget to grab something to eat." She says walking me to the door. Logan is already waiting, parked outside.
I get into Logan's car and he kisses my cheek. My mom waved at us.
"Oh for god sake." I laugh and wave back.

Vodka Kisses
FanfictionPLL- OC x OC Logan Montgomery and Grace Martin Grace Martin had her heartbroken in secret by her best friends brother. Before anyone could really notice the difference in Grace, Allison went missing and the Montgomery family moved to Iceland. But wh...