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Summary: Obi-Wan falls for Anakin Skywalker.


When Obi-Wan started to Fall, it was not influenced by politicians or greed. When Qui-Gon died, it was not that moment that pushed him over the edge. When Satine died, it wasn't even that moment. It was Anakin; it was always Anakin.

A mission during the Clone Wars. They split up for some such reason, even though they were better together than apart.

Two halves of one warrior.

It felt like only moments later that Anakin's pain through their bond, anguish, despair, nearly crippled Obi-Wan. It all bled into Obi-Wan until he couldn't see straight. For Anakin to feel this much, he must be dying. It was the only thing that made sense when Obi-Wan looked back on this moment, later, in his cot.

Obi-Wan saw red. The Dark Side whispered to him; that it could keep Anakin safe. It could give him the power to never be afraid for this reckless man again.

The Jedi in him screamed no, but the attachment he felt, greedily accepted this offer, if only a little bit.

Jedi don't give the cool, steely Dark Side enough credit. It knew it wouldn't be able to have Obi-Wan all at once. It knew it would have to slowly seduce the perfect Jedi. So it gave him a taste, so small, but enough to save Anakin from the ever enclosing droids. Obi-Wan had enough power to reach out his hand towards the droids, feel each of their circuits giving them life, and crush them. When he closed his hand, hundreds of droids were crushed into dust.

"Obi-Wan?" Anakin gasped, both in pain and shock. Obi-Wan looked down at Anakin, his crumpled body on the ground, the way he held his side, the blood dripping down his forehead. The Dark Side whispered it's goodbye, it's oily fingers sliding along the Jedi's Force Signature before leaving him completely.

Obi-Wan felt only relief as he fell to his knees and checked over the younger man, who leaned into every touch from Obi-Wan.


It was then that he began to have Force visions.

They were in their cabin that night, easily convinced to share the room with the overcrowding on the Star Destroyer. Their two cots were pushed together, although the two men did not claim to share a bed.

Anakin wasn't sneaky enough to hide the concerned looks he kept shooting Obi-Wan's way as he readied himself to sleep. Obi-Wan sat on his portion of the bed and closed his eyes, intending to fall into a light meditation.

"How did you do that?" Anakin finally spoke up, of course when Obi-Wan finally took action to center himself.

"You will have to be more clear about what you're referring to," Obi-Wan replied lightly, eyes still closed. He heard the cot pushed up to his, creak a little with the weight of Anakin getting on it.

"Open your eyes," Anakin demanded. Obi-Wan had a fear. He only had the smallest taste of the Dark Side, but what if his eyes... what if they reflected the glorious, deadly power he controlled so briefly. What if Anakin could sense the weakness in him?

Obi-Wan opened his eyes. Anakin looked deep into them as if he was searching for something more. The older Jedi felt his heart racing, knowing Anakin had to know this dark secret. Apparently, though, Obi-Wan was saved from accusations this time. Anakin seemed to come up with a conclusion all on his own.

"You must have been so worried about me that you accessed some latent power," Anakin came up with, sounding more like the Knight Obi-Wan trained him to be. Obi-Wan felt sick, but he secured his mental shielding and nodded.

Two Halfs of One Warrior • Obikin/Vaderwan One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now