Smuggler's Den

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Summary: Qui-Gon has no issues with his padawan presenting as an alpha, especially because he knows he himself is an omega definitely out of his prime. But when Obi-Wan doesn't seem to be getting over his crush, Qui-Gon decides to take matters into his own hands to try and alleviate the situation. A good friend from outside the Order should be willing to help.

In which Anakin is older than Obi-Wan and a smuggler, but still smitten with Obi-Wan from the moment they meet.


There is a plethora of benefits that owning one’s own starship allows. Being a smuggler in the Outer Rim offers even more. Of course, the infamy that the profession provides necessitates protections. Set Lars is quite wanted in many systems and there happens to be a ‘shoot on sight’ order for his ship in parts of the Mid Rim. It’s a badge of honor, really.

If only Anakin can convince his mother of that, too.

Fake name aside—despite how his mother has actually married a Lars now—the next worst part about it all happens to be the pilot seat of his heavily modded XS stock light freighter. Not even his omega status truly plays a large role in Anakin’s day-to-day life. Out of every piece of his ship that Anakin has scraped together, haggled, aggressively bargained, and bought, that damnable chair manages to be a cursed combination of sturdy, ugly, and uncomfortable.

Intensely uncomfortable.

Naturally this means that Anakin only falls asleep in it in the most dire of circumstances. Which is good—fantastic, even—because Anakin is barely awake and functioning on a typical morning in his bed. Being in front of his ship’s console where his comms are is an incredibly bad decision. Anakin also isn’t nice just after waking up, too. What all this means is that when his comlink chimes, Anakin isn’t paying attention.

After blindly slapping around the console a few times, he hears the click that signifies the call has connected.

“Set Lars.”

A deep chuckle. “And here I thought I would find my friend, Anakin.”

Anakin sits upright so fast his spine pops in three different places. A quick brush through his hair with his hands and he firmly presses the buttons to get a visual of the caller.

“Quigs! It’s been awhile.” Anakin grins at the blue holo of the Jedi Master. “Just woke up. What’s up?”

“I won’t waste your time. I need to call in a favor.”

Squinting at Qui-Gon’s appearance gives Anakin no answers to the sudden influx of questions rolling around in his mind. There are very few people that Anakin would ever allow to owe him and even less than he would owe them. The Jedi Order as a whole is not someone Anakin likes being indebted to, but Qui-Gon happens to be okay. The older omega—and that was a shock for Anakin to find out about the very large man, after he bit the other for touching him suddenly—has proven to Anakin to be not such a stick in the sand like all the other Jedi Anakin has had the displeasure to cross paths with.

“You aren’t trying to recruit me to be a mechanic for the Order again, right?” Anakin asks suspiciously, aware enough that he is what the Jedi consider ‘force sensitive’ but unwilling to leave the life he currently leads.

A chuckle. “No, no, nothing like that. It’s—ah, a bit more personal.”

That catches Anakin’s attention and he stops fiddling around with his ship console and brings his gaze back to Qui-Gon’s holo. When the other doesn’t start immediately explaining, Anakin perks up even further. Whatever this favor is, must be good.

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