You Want Blood (And I Promised)

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Summary: Obi-Wan meets and saves a beautiful and kind young man from dying in a dark cave, not knowing that that same beautiful kind man will bring out his most darkest desire he never knew he had.


Dark caves on their own did not scare Obi-Wan. He could understand how the moving shadows, the sounds of scuttling creatures getting closer and closer despite never seeing the creatures themselves, and the way one’s mind could trick itself into believing that upon turning around they would find the mouth of the cave had somehow closed as they went further and further in would send some into a panic.

But Obi-Wan knew better. He knew the opening of the cave would remain so, and if it didn’t, he had the Force to guide him out, to help his escape. He had a lightsaber, too, which brought those shadows to light and would take care of any creature that showed itself.

This cave, though – this cave made dread weigh heavy in Obi-Wan’s stomach, each step further in feeling like a step towards a cliff off of which he would fall, and fall, and fall with no chance of survival.

He had been sent here to see about this new Sith they had heard wind of: a hulking figure in a black suit, face hidden by a black helmet. Those who told him about their sightings of the man trembled as they recalled his red blade and the loud, labored breathing that came through his mask. That did not scare Obi-Wan either, nor did the idea of finding such a man in this dark cave, but the feeling of anxiety still wracked his body as he continued onward, the blue glow of his ‘saber lighting his way.

Why the Sith would be in a cave he didn’t know; maybe trying to feed into scary monster persona civilians saw him as. Regardless, this was where his sources had led him.

He had lost track of just how far in he was when Obi-Wan heard the sound of ragged breathing. This must be him. Tightening his grip on the hilt of his ‘saber, Obi-Wan steeled himself, widening his stance. Sith tended to be dramatic; he would show himself, Obi-Wan was sure.

“Hello?” a weak voice called out from somewhere just beyond the illuminated area. “Is someone there? Pl-Please, help me…” The words were forced through struggling breaths and wheezing coughs.

Obi-Wan stepped forward until he saw a young man lying on the ground, turned onto his side and clutching his stomach, face contorted with pain. Obi-Wan rushed forward, crouching and holding his ‘saber far enough away it was no danger to the man, but close enough to illuminate him. A quick glance told Obi-Wan two things: this man needed medical help immediately, and, based on his dress, he was a fellow Jedi.

“Can you stand?” Obi-Wan asked, already working out how to get him out of the cave and back to the Temple.

“I haven’t tried to in-in a while,” the man rasped, his blue eyes pleading as he looked up at Obi-Wan.

“Let’s try now,” Obi-Wan said, helping the man to his feet, pausing each time the other winced to allow him to adjust to the new position. With one hand holding his lightsaber and the other wrapped around the man, Obi-Wan carried the other’s weight and led them back towards the mouth of the cave, slowly but surely. “Just a bit further,” Obi-Wan encouraged. He had so many questions – who was this Jedi? What was he doing here? What happened to him? Had he seen the Sith? – but he could wait.

“Th-Thank you,” the man wheezed as they got closer to the mouth of the cave. Light from the outside became visible once again, and Obi-Wan shut off his lightsaber and clipped it to his belt, using his now free hand to grasp the man’s hand that held onto his shoulder, getting better leverage to hold him tighter to himself.

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