What Could Have Been (But Will Never Be) (sequel to HWCNBTTBTS)

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Summary: What if Emperor Kenobi hadn't been mad with power, heartbreak and anger? What if an arrangement could have been made between between him and Obi-Wan regarding the fate of one Anakin Skywalker? Not everything needed to end in tears.


Master Mace Windu had managed to stop Emperor Kenobi from obliterating the Jedi Order and ending democracy, as after the assassination of Chancellor Sheev Palpatine, he and the members of the Council had barged into the Senate before Kenobi could put his plan into action.

Many had wondered what to do with the darker version of Obi-Wan Kenobi, and, for better or for worse, the Jedi Knight had been the only one capable of reaching the other man and getting him to start negotiating.

Obi-Wan had known that the best way to come to an understanding with the Sith was to dangle in front of his face the fate of one Anakin Skywalker. And, after long, painful, and slow talks and discussions that had put the galaxy at the edge of their seat since they started, both Kenobis had come to an agreement.

And it was an agreement that the Masters of the Jedi Order and the Senate together had allowed because it kept everyone in the galaxy safe from being forever engulfed into darkness and despair.

But it wasn’t necessarily an agreement everyone would say they were okay with, since it required that two very possessive and overprotective versions of Obi-Wan Kenobi shared the company and body of the Jedi Padawan they both loved most.

The agreement hadn’t been as easy to achieve as many were led to believe once it had been revealed to Senators and Jedi alike, since the two men had proven to be incredibly jealous of the Padawan’s company that would have to be shared between the two of them. The former Emperor — who had decided to go by the name of Ben as sharing a name was becoming confusing, posing as the older brother of the Jedi Master if anyone dared to ask — blamed the Jedi for many of the issues he and his Anakin had faced in his version of the past, throwing in the face of his younger self the biggest mistakes he had made regarding his own Padawan; while, for his part, the Master Jedi believed the Emperor to be a corruptive force that would influence his young charge towards a dark path and insisted that the constant presence of the older man next to his highly optimistic and influenceable Padawan would only cause him troubles in the future.

But any version of Obi-Wan could agree that losing Anakin would push him to the edges of his sanity and beyond.

The two older men hated each other with a passion uncharacteristic of the Jedi, but very much in the realm typical for the Sith. The Jedi tried to hide, to the best of his ability when reporting about Ben Kenobi to the Council or the Senate, how much he distrusted and despised the older man, while the Sith made his displeasure known to anyone who spent more than a few minutes in his presence. However, they had both been brought to submission by the tears in Anakin’s eyes as their fights had continued on during discussions and negotiations, stalling any progress they could’ve managed to achieve; Anakin had only had to look at them — pouting, his big eyes wet with tears — and asked them in his soft, pleading voice to please reach an understanding for his sake, since their fighting was tearing him apart.

He begged them to find a compromise that would satisfy them both, or else the galaxy would be swimming in darkness and pain.

Obi-Wan and Ben had come to the understanding that sharing Anakin would be the best solution they could find to their plights, as neither would be content with the other having Anakin solely to themselves. If peace were to be reached, and the galaxy spared from succumbing into darkness… sharing Anakin was something they would have to come to accept.

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