Anything For You

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Summary: Obi-Wan sets the datapad down, rubbing his eyes as they adjust to the absence of the blue glow. Swallowing his pride like a handful of pills, he manages to say "Anakin, I can't concentrate on with you just - "He grimaces, steeling himself for what he's about to say. "- lying there, bare-chested, distracting."

"Sorry, Master," Anakin says, not sorry nor surprised in the slightest. "Not my fault you're so easily distracted."

Obi-Wan wants to say "Yes, yes it is your fault, you have no right to look like this" but it would most likely result in Anakin teasing him for the next week, and he can't even tolerate Anakin teasing him for twenty minutes.


Obi-Wan glances up as Anakin comes out of the fresher, loose beige trousers hanging low on his hips.

"Put on some clothes, Anakin," Obi-Wan says, trying his best to ignore the heat pooling in his stomach. He has so much work to do, and he really can't let himself be distracted by a certain Jedi's beautiful hipbones. Or perfect abdominals. Or gorgeous eyes. Or soft, dark hair which he so wishes he could run his fingers through and pull roughly -

Obi-Wan clenches his fist in his robes, rubbing his forehead with his other hand. Anakin is going to be the death of him.

"Too hot," Anakin retorts, flopping onto the bed, hair still damp. Damn right, Obi-Wan thinks, then mentally slaps himself.

"Should have taken a cold shower, then," Obi-Wan shoots back.

"I thought you liked seeing me shirtless."

"So you're shirtless to entice me?" Obi-Wan asks, but doesn't deny that yes, he does like seeing Anakin shirtless.

"No. Wait. Maybe," Anakin replies, turning onto his back so his words aren't muffled by the sheets. "That's a bonus."

Obi-Wan sets the datapad down, rubbing his eyes as they adjust to the absence of the blue glow. Swallowing his pride like a handful of pills, he manages to say "Anakin, I can't concentrate on with you just - "He grimaces, steeling himself for what he's about to say. "- lying there, bare-chested, distracting."

"Sorry, Master," Anakin says, not sorry nor surprised in the slightest. "Not my fault you're so easily distracted."

Obi-Wan wants to say "Yes, yes it is your fault, you have no right to look like this" but it would most likely result in Anakin teasing him for the next week, and he can't even tolerate Anakin teasing him for twenty minutes.

"If you're not working, you can come lie with me," Anakin says. "Sleep. It's late."

"If I come lie with you, we are absolutely not going to sleep," Obi-Wan points out. And I'm only not working because it's completely unfair that you look this good and I'm about to ram you against the wall and fuck you stupid, he doesn't say.

Anakin considers this, thankfully having not heard that sinful thought. "True," he admits. "But not too bad of an idea either."

With a sigh, Obi-Wan gives up on the datapad, stretching as he stands.

He would do anything for Anakin.

"No funny business," he warns, moving closer to the bed, like he's walking into a trap or cornering a criminal or something. Which really isn't far from reality.

Anakin hops off the mattress before Obi-Wan reaches it and practically saunters to him. Every inch irresistable. He places his hands on Obi-Wan's waist and kisses him hungrily, pressing his hips right against Obi-Wan's so he can physically feel his arousal.

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