The Outlander

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Summary: In this AU, Obi-Wan fell to the dark side fighting Maul on Naboo, and saved Qui-Gon's life but got kicked out of the Order as a result.


Anakin waited for Master Qui-Gon to fall asleep. That was always step one. He would sit with a modicum of patience as Qui-Gon had his final cup of herbal tea, did his relaxing kata, and closed the door to his room. Then, he would wait with bated breath until he felt the ripples in the Force of Qui-Gon's consciousness even out. At the first snore, he bolted.

He had a set of clothes that he kept in the hidden passage beneath the Temple. He'd found the exit by accident many years before. He'd wanted very badly to escape all the rules and restrictions, all the observation and criticism. His Master was admittedly an exception, and was always on his side-but it didn't make Anakin's time at the Temple any better, in his humble opinion. The rest of the Padawans were either jealous or disdainful or somehow both. The other Jedi Masters were worse.

It was exhausting and depressing.

He'd started sneaking out to find the podracing circuit, and it had been the salvation of his teenage years. The freedom and anonymity were so relaxing, and it was nice to be good at something without being the Chosen One. Just talented. He made friends with a circle on the lower levels, and began to feel more like a person than he'd felt since he'd left Tatooine as a boy.

As he grew older, his friends began dragging him out for celebratory drinks after his inevitable victories. That was when Anakin discovered alcohol, and how much fun it was to completely forget who he was and what was expected of him. He discovered, to his great amusement, that he was considered handsome, and he very much liked the attention that it got.

He slid into his tight black pants and leather jacket, haphazardly folding his tunics and tabards and stowing them away. He rolled his shoulders back and felt his cares slip away. With a small smile, he snuck out of the Temple, and down into the underbelly of Coruscant. There wasn't a race tonight, but he needed to get to the Outlander.

He had someone to see.

The Outlander was packed, of course. The crush of bodies was familiar and promising. The Force was saturated with the general hazy, happy atmosphere of drinks, drugs, and casual sex. Anakin slipped nimbly between crowds of people, around dancing and kissing couples, and made directly for the bar. He nodded to the bartender and slid a few credits across, waiting contentedly for a drink to be slid back in return.

He felt eyes on him, and it made Anakin smile with satisfaction. He finished his drink quickly and tapped the counter, getting another one almost immediately. He drank that one a little more slowly, but still finished it quickly. He had never managed to acquire much of an alcohol tolerance, and he wanted to be tipsy as soon as possible.

A twi'lek woman appeared at his elbow, and he raised an eyebrow at her revealing outfit. She looked slightly drunk, and very friendly. He tossed the bartender another few credits and tipped his head sideways towards her. The bartender rolled his eyes and poured them both another, sliding the drinks over with a knowing flourish and turning to his other customers. The twi'lek purred with happiness and they clicked glasses together, knocking it back.

She ran her fingers up and down his sleeve, "You come here often, sweet thing?"

"Often enough," he smiled widely. She was very beautiful, with gleaming blue skin and abundant curves. He felt the eyes on his back more strongly than ever. It was working. "Wanna dance?"

"I'd love that," she winked, and grabbed his hand. He finished his drink and set the glass down with a decisive click, letting her pull him towards the dance floor. The music had a pulsing rhythm, and it was so loud he could feel it in his bones. He slid his hands onto her body, pulling her close and began to move with her in time. She sighed happily and pressed against him, moving her hips in an undulating pattern. It was quite pleasant, and Anakin began to lose himself in the moment.

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