From Falling For You

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Summary: Obi-Wan tries to seduce Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker to the Dark Side. Anakin has a hard time not falling.


Once, Yoda had told Anakin that fear was the path to the Dark Side. “Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering,” he had said. Anakin wasn’t really sure about all that, but the old master was onto something with the suffering part.

Because Anakin was. Suffering. And it was getting harder and harder not to Fall.

He just didn’t know if he’d Fall because he’d give into Obi-Wan Kenobi, or if he’d use the power of the Dark Side to kill Obi-Wan Kenobi. Because Obi-Wan Kenobi was the one making him suffer.

Okay, maybe saying that he was suffering was a bit dramatic. But Anakin didn’t know how else to describe how he felt in his current situation. He’d been kidnapped – kidnapped! – by Kenobi, which was unsurprising but still pretty messed up. Anakin, the Hero With No Fear, the Force’s Chosen One, the Jedi Order’s beloved (maybe that was Anakin’s way of putting it but the sentiment remained) knight and general being kidnapped by Obi-Wan Kenobi, Sith Lord and the most charming and beautiful scum of the earth was not a shocking turn of events, all considered.

But just because Anakin was unsurprised did not mean he was having a good time with it. Who would, what with how possessive and seductive Kenobi was being the whole time? He always had his hands on Anakin, on his wrists or his arms or his shoulders or his waist or somewhere near his neck. And when he talked to him, his voice was always low and his smile sharp and his golden eyes dark.

All that attention always on Anakin. It was great. Wait! No, it was terrible! Yes, it was terrible. Not great. Not great at all. Not even a little bit. (Maybe a little bit.) (Wait-!)

And Kenobi was always saying the same thing. “Join me” this and “Embrace the power of the Dark Side” that and “Sometimes I want to shut you up with my cock, get those pretty pink lips around it, but then I wouldn’t get to hear you finally call me ‘Master’ and I just don’t know if I like that.”

(That last one had only been said once, but a similar sentiment frequently came up. Anakin had heard of people being seduced by the Dark Side, but not of being seduced to the Dark Side. And was it working? No, it wasn’t working. Except, well, Anakin kind of liked the idea of the man’s cock down his throat. Wait! No! No he didn’t. Didn’t he? No…)

(But couldn’t he do that without Falling? Who said you yourself had to be a Sith to suck a Sith’s cock? But no! It didn’t matter! Anakin wasn’t going to do that!)

What was a bit surprising was how long Kenobi had managed to keep him. It had to have been weeks by now, and that was bad, because the longer Anakin was with Kenobi the longer he became acclimated to it. Accustomed to it. Appreciative of- No! Not that last one...

Like now, as Kenobi led him off the ship and onto the platform. Kenobi had said they needed to go to a different planet to see about some Mirialan with a stolen holocron, and Anakin simply went because Kenobi saying “We need to go somewhere” and ‘we’ and meaning himself and Anakin was something that now made absolute sense to Anakin. And it also sounded very nice. No! Not nice-

Plus, Kenobi had put Force-inhibitor cuffs on Anakin’s wrists and taken Anakin’s lightsaber, so he didn’t really have another choice. He could – and would – snark about it, but that was about it.

He was used to doing what Kenobi said at this point. He kind of liked it. No he didn’t!

“Thank you for coming along, darling,” Kenobi sighed, leading Anakin into the building by a hand on his elbow.

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