Part 84

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Korn had listened to theplan the two boys had made and nodded in agreement. It was an excellent planand he himself could had made one that was better. However, he was the variablethat would decide over its success or failure. "Your plan isn't bad. Vegas, youreally have learnt a lot from your father." Korn nodded. "I feel honored uncle,but the praise doesn't belong to me. Tay came up with the idea." Vegas gentlynudged Tay's side as he told Korn the truth. He would have loved to get thesepraises, but there weren't his to take. "Tay? Kinn, you should really spendsome more time with him." Korn laughed before his stern face returned and hewent back into his serious mode. "Well, it doesn't matter really who has madethe plan. If you succeed you will be a danger to us. And I can't let thathappen." Vegas nodded. He knew the risks. That's why they had only come herewhen the war was right at their doorsteps, so Korn couldn't interfere with thefirst wave of elimination and only could give his support in their last battle."Khun Korn. I will not give up now. Firstly, we do not fear you. I am confidentthat we can handle you and your employees as well." Tay stood up from hischair. His usually warm and comforting voice had changed. The expression in hiseyes meant business. No one in this room had ever seen Tay like that. With bigeyes Khun watched as Tay who was like a little brother to him, grew into thestrong leader everyone had said he never could be. "We just wanted to give youa chance to pull stay out of it and saving your position. However, you don'twant to take that chance and rather want us to demolish you in the fight, wewill do so without hesitation." Tay saidcalmly starring right into the old eyes of Kinn's father. "It is your decisionKhun Korn, we will see each other on the battlefield." With that he grabbedVegas hand signaling him that they would leave now. Vegas had just watched inhis boyfriend in pure amazement. He would have just left, so Tay would see thisdark side of him. But now Tay had done exactly what he himself would have done."Wait, how can I make sure, that you wont attack me if I stay out of it?" Vegaslet himself sink back into his seat as his boyfriend took the lead in theconversation again. "Khun Korn. I have in no way the intend or interest to harmanyone in this family. Every single one of you has done things that I am deeplygrateful for. And Kinn is still my best friend. I wouldn't want to be a sourceof pain to him. At least not more then I already have been. As long as I am here,I will not let anything happen that will in anyway hurt Kinn or this family.And that also means that Vegas won't do anything." Tay explained. Kinn's facesoften as he heard his best friend talk like that. How could he go into a waragainst the person that has been with him for such a long time? "And I believeyou Tay. But I don't know if you are really reason enough for Vegas not toattack us." Korn leaned further into the chair as his eyes were piercingthrough Vegas eyes. "I can't believe that I need to repeat that again. Uncle itis obvious that I had nothing to gain from this relationship. From thebeginning on I was aware, that the only thing it would be useful for, would beto create chaos, bother Kinn and Time. But nothing more. That it would escalateto this size was never something that I thought about. When I got myselfinvolved with Tay, it was all to annoy Time and Kinn. That was the only intendI had, when I started to sleep with Tay. I just wanted to see them get furiousknowing that I took one of the most important people from their lives and madehim mine. However, after our night together I could help but wonder how he wasdoing. Maybe I was still driven by some evil attempted to annoy Kinn as Icontinued to pursue Tay. But the more time I spend with Tay, the more hewrapped me around his little finger. I started to drop everything when Tayasked for me. I went after him, even when he pushed me away. And I couldn'texplain myself why I did so. Why I hadn't long dropped the information that Ihad slept with Tay, and he was whipped for me. The more I met with Tay, theless I wanted to break the news of us. And as Tay finally had enough of me, Idefinitely knew that I had fall for him. And the worst of it all was, that hedidn't even had as deep feeling for me, as I did for him. Uncle, can youimagine that. I really wanted to use him against your son and his other best friend,and I end up falling for him without realizing it until it was to late. Tay hadme begging in front of your son to forgive him. And not to let their friendshipend, because he was seeing me. I did the opposite of my plan for this boy. Justbecause he got upset. I dropped everything and was on my knees in front of theone person that I would never want to see me like that and showed him my mostvulnerable parts just so he would forgive Tay." Vegas took a deep breath. Itwas hard to admit to all that, but he needed his heart onto his tongue if hewanted to convince his uncle not to get involved.


Oh wow, Vegas needs to admit all of his feelings in front of Korn. 

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