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"Camren!" Ally, Dinah, and Normani all yelled in unison. They are feigning annoyance as they wait for the two in the car, elbows rested on the open window their head popped up.

"Wait a second guys!" Lauren shouted back as she finally knot Camila's shoelace. For the past four years that she and Camila had been dating they were used to their friends calling them Camren.

The girlfriends held hands walking towards the car waiting for them, it'll take them to the beach where their parents and other family members are already waiting for them to beat the heat of summer and their senior year is approaching fast.

"Oh thank God the love birds are here, I was about to come with Dinah and carry you all the way here" Normani said dramatically, flopping down on her seat. While Ally started the car they all settled in their seats continuing with their banter.

Ally, Dinah, Normani, Lauren and Camila had been friends for as long as they can remember. All of them are close and love each other but Camila and Lauren share a special bond, they share something none of the other girls have. Growing up everyone around them noticed it yet they let the girls figure it out their selves and so they did four years ago.

It wasn't a surprise when the two announced the change in their relationship back then, everyone see it coming. The two were just oblivious and were just started to discover their selves, let alone their feelings. It's not like they are rushing things anyway, both said they want to take things slow. They don't want to risk their friendship without being really sure of what they are feeling towards each other.

Back then Lauren was so sure that she love Camila more than a friend, she love her in a different way than her other friends, but the other Latina was hesitant she value their friendship so much that she's afraid if something happens it might change everything and they can never go back. But Lauren wasn't the kind of person who gives up easily, so she courted Camila until she made her said yes. And here they are now still acting like they're just at the first stage of their relationship.

Camila kissed Lauren's cheek affectionately, the other girl turned her head to her direction smiling fondly at her. She leaned forward rubbing their noses affectionately.

"There'll be a lot of eyes on you later" Camila pouted, over the years there's still some things that don't go smoothly for them. Like Camila's insecurities, and her unnecessary jealousy which sometimes leads them into an argument. It sometimes annoy Lauren cause it's not like she's giving her any reason to be.

"But what matters is my eyes would be on you all the time. Taylor said she saw that Austin guy there he better stay out of my sight." she joked although she's not really fond of the said guy who happened to have this fantasy about him and Camila dating.

"Smooth. And there be lots of people in there for us to pay attention to him" Camila grinned at her and Lauren raised her eyebrows in agreement.

Soon Ally parked the car and all of them started to exit the vehicle grabbing their things. The five girls flipped their hair dramatically and put their sun glasses on in sync just like they always do whenever they are feeling silly, a moment after their erupted in laughter some people looking at them amused.

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