Chapter Twenty

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Dinah, Ally, and Normani walk side by side looking for Lauren. Ally is still uncertain about it concern about Camila's being she herself is not sure if this will help either of her friends, maybe Lauren isn't talking to them but that doesn't mean they don't care about her, and even though she acts so cold towards them Ally and she know that even the other two still worries about her. Lauren have this trait of acting tough until eventually she can't take it anymore and break down. Their whole friendship is affected by their break up, although it's kind of understandable she still can't help but wonder why the said girl completely shut them out. They weren't even taking sides.

"Dinah are you sure about this?" She asked worriedly.

"Yeah. This is our last shot to help Camila" the determination in Dinah's voice is strong. Ally didn't say anything no more and looked at Normani nod at her understanding her question.

And if her best friends thinks it will be for the best she'll trust them and hope that it will be really for the better. For Camila, for Lauren and maybe for them.

There they saw Lauren standing with Phoebe, when they saw their locked hands they all got an idea as to why Camila did what she did. Normani and Dinah's temper is wearing thin but Ally remained calm. Trying her best not to be disappointed so much at Lauren.

Phoebe is smirking when she saw them and Ally held both their hands to stop them. Shaking her head, they reached Lauren who remain to act like she doesn't see them standing there.

"Lauren can we talk?" Dinah broke their silence, staring at Lauren matching her blank stare.

They're waiting for a response or at least for her to dismiss her God knows what she is to her. But just like what they've been feeling towards her since she started to act like she resent them... Lauren once again disappointed them.

"Whatever you want tell me say it now" Lauren answered coldly.

"Alone" Normani said firmly.

"She have the right, she's my girlfriend" and as if they can't be more disappointed they are now. Dinah's jaw clenched fighting the urge to strangle them.

"Look Lauren we get that. But can we please talk to you alone?" Ally said, but she herself losing hope and patience.

"No. If you want to talk, let's do it right here, right now" Lauren said firmly, standing her ground. They are starting to get the others' attention and Dinah lost it all.

"I don't know what thid bitch fed you but you act like a dumb stupid dog under her command" Dinah spat with venom the hate she have for them coming out.

"How dare you!" Phoebe spoke her furious eyes meeting Dinah's none of them backing down.

"No! You! How dare you! How dare you act like you are someone innocent when you're a wolf hiding under a sheep's wool. Like an animal you smelled Camila's fear that's why you never distanced yourself from Lauren!" Normani said furiously ignoring Ally who's trying to calm her down.

"Then it all came out! You want to talk to me because of Camila! Well let me tell you and also tell your little Camila that I don't want to talk to her nor talk about her!" Lauren said mocking them stepping up for her... ugh they can't even say it in their minds.

"Who are you? You're not Lauren, you're someone else" Ally said finally breaking her silence she can't just stand there and be good while watching her friends get humiliated by their own so called best friend.

"Oh please. Stop acting like you know me! You're not my friends! You only came here not for me but for Camila!" Lauren said, the first tear rolled down her cheek and she wiped it furiously, while the other three cried there with furious and disappointed eyes.

Suddenly Dinah pinned her to the locker, Neither Normani nor Ally stopped her this time.

"You know what f*ck you. We're so dumb to even hope you'll come around again. And stop acting someone else Lauren, we all know this is not you. And for a moment we were sorry because we made you feel like we're only taking Camila's side but I take it all back. I don't fucking care anymore if you think we're not your friends or not. Don't act so innocent because you're at fault too! You are blinded by everything and I don't know what happened to you but I sure as hell isn't interested anymore. So I hope you're happy now, for finally not being stuck with us. I hope you are happy that you ruined Camila. And you succeded because even though you act like a piece of shit she tried to kill herself and she still want to be with you!" Dinah cried, pain, sadness, anger you can hear it all why she talk. And once she mentioned Camila her angry tone was replaced by agony. And suddenly she's kneeling in front of Lauren everyone around them gasps even her best friends.

"And I know you don't see us as your friends anymore. I know you may laugh at me I don't care if this will make you at least talk to her and let her know why is it so easy for you to leave her like that" she cried her head bowed down, holding Lauren's hand and she meet her eyes pleadingly. Lauren looked away and wiped her tears.

"Please Lauren I won't ask anything for you but to see her. After this I promise you won't deal with us again" Dinah sobbed.

Lauren just stood there shocked to hear everything, never in her life she saw any of her friends like this. Ally and Normani helped Dinah to get up and dragged her away with them, all of them looking at her; anger, disappointment and hope all in their eyes. And she run not stopping until she won't see them anymore.

Ally hugged her two best friends as she felt weak. They all slumped down on the floor, all of them hurt on how Lauren treated them ealier. They all feel weak and they know they are not even close to what Camila is feeling. They get a glimpse on how easy it is for Lauren to give up their relationship heck she even told them their friendship is gone. At least now they know how Camila feels and they can't never blame her. Becase surely she is in a much worst state.

"Why is she like that? What did we ever do to her? What did that girl did to our friend?" Ally asked weakly.

"I don't know. I don't understand her at all. She acts like all of the things we've been through never happened. She acts like we've done something to her to make her hate us like that. I don't know what happened to our best friend. What happened to all of our dreams? I thought we'll go around the world together?" Normani asked, bitterly relieving their broken plans, dreams, and promises.

"What happened to "Sisters never leave each other, we will always love one another"? I know we made them we were young but I swear everytime we say it I mean it will all my heart" Dinah wiped her eyes and nose whining like a child, she look so vulnerable, all three of them.

"I know. Both she and Camila promised that whatever happens to them our frienship will remain strong" Ally whispered.

"What will do now Dj? We didn't made our promise to her. What if she'll get worst?" Normani asked worriedly. "I don't want to lose her too" her voice cracked again.

"We'll be there for her, I belive in her. She'll make it through" she said gaining her determination back.

"But Dinah if Camila found out all about this-" Ally said but Dinah cut her off.

"She won't know any of this. Promise me you won't tell her any of this"

"I promise" both Ally and Mani said.

"It's just the four of us now. But we'll be stronger. We will remain strong until Camila is too" Normani spoke.

After that they didn't say anything, they stayed planted on the floor crying silently, seeking for each other's comfort. If this is what it takes to make whatever is left in their friendship strong they will do it. They may be young when they made that oath but they mean it. They'll be there for each other when one of them is not capable of staying strong on her own. Even though they can't admit it they surely will still silently protect... Lauren.

A/N: soon you'll know Lauren's side.

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