Chapter TwentySeven

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The dinner that happened that Monday night went well, Shawn and her mom got along so well, even Sofia who never usually warm up quickly with other people showed him her playful side. Camila is so happy to the way how that night went, despite of what happened earlier that day she was happy and got to spend a good time with her friends.

It still amazes her how time easily flies, Shawn spent his first two weeks with them, the students now used to seeing him around their school. Being with him makes Camila forget all about Lauren, but she doesn't want to use him as an escape or a rebound... considering they don't share any romantic relationship, Camila still doesn't want him to be like that. She doesn't want to see Shawn as someone who would make her forget about Lauren because that is quite impossible, maybe Camila is good now at dealing with emotions and changes but she is not close to being good at forgetting Lauren. It is hard to explain because at some point and things she's moved on but still doesn't. Shawn is more than an escape for Camila, she is one of the people who knows she still harbor feelings for Camila. Many may think she already forgot everything they shared but she doesn't, you can say that she is good at making her brain and heart work at the same time.

Lauren who she rarely see around anymore, Lauren who instead of rekindling her friendship with the girls put a barrier between them instead, Lauren who although she tried she can't forget, Lauren who she still holds dearly in her heart, Lauren who she let go of. She misses her, and though her friends doesn't mention her or try to hide it Camila knows they misses her too. It's like Shawn is her replacement, others see it that way but for them he isn't. Shawn is a new addition to their lives especially Camila's but he can never fill the hole Lauren left.

Shawn and Lauren are slightly the same, although they both differ at a lot of things, like music, personality, and many more they are the same at one thing, they always bring out the best in Camila. They make her braver and believe in herself more, although the difference is Camila doesn't need Shawn to always be around to make herself strong, she doesn't need to depend on him too much. With him it's different.

Everything is going pretty well for Camila, her issues were dealt properly, and what she is so thankful for is that her dad and mom are okay, although it has to take for her to have a melt down to bring her dad back she is still okay with it. She won't change any of it, especially the way Sofi glowed for the first time she met their dad, personally this time and not just from old videos or pictures or Camila's stories.

She and the girls' friendship is much stronger than it was before, they are more open and tell each other what they feel, they know she still loves Lauren and they don't even talk about that often, it's going well for Dinah, Ally, and Normani, including Shawn. And the only one she isn't sure is Lauren.

Just like what is mentioned earlier she doesn't see her often, she don't see her with Phoebe anymore too nor with any of her "friends". The only thing she knows is that she is so affected by her grandmother's worsening health, which she found out by Taylor the other day the girl went to their house to sleep over when Clara asked her mom if she could look after her. Maybe a lot of things has changed between her and Lauren but few things remain like her closeness to her ex's family.

She want to be there for the girl, thinking that maybe she feel alone again but kept herself from doing so 'cause it will change the whole letting her go thing. She just hope that like her, everything will be okay for Lauren too.

Camila stood up from her chair in front of her mirror after fixing herself, going downstairs to meet Shawn who has been waiting for her for a while, they would hang out in her house, maybe the girls would come over as well later.

She went to their living room and was surprised to see both Shawn and her dad talking on the couch, she frowned in confusion but went to greet them instead.

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