Chapter Two

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Lauren threw her bag on her bed, she started to rummage her drawer and grabbed much more comfortable clothes. She's moving extra fast so she can go over to Camila's after their class together she haven't seen her girlfriend at all, she helped Phoebe to the library that's why when she went to go to pick Camila up the girls told her she already went home. Lauren knows how she gets when she's giving other girls her attention, she's the jealous type so the sooner she talked to her the better. It sometimes irritate her, but she loves Camila and she should accept her just the way she is. They talked and still does about the things they think isn't a good trait of one another to make their selves better and for the sake of their relationship.

She grabbed her phone on the nightstand before jogging her way to her door and continued to make her way downstairs. She saw Chris petting their dog Dash while Taylor's full attention is on the Movie she's watching.

"Mom! I'm just here at the Cabello's, just call me when you need anything." she shouted over her shoulder, before closing the door she heard her mom's response.

She walked the remaining distance, and then she knocked on the door. It wasn't that long when the door opened, it was Sofi who opened the door she ruffled her hair making the kid groan.

"Where's your sister?" she asked after a chuckle. She followed her to the kitchen and she saw Sinu setting on the Macarons on the table.

"She's in her room, she haven't got out since she went home" Sofi said after, and picked a macaron shoving it to her mouth.

"Which is weird 'cause she saw me making this earlier" Sinuhe added, wiping her hands on the paper towel.

"Oh.. can I go see her?" although she knew that she doesn't have to ask that kind of question Lauren felt like she need to.

"Of course, and go down here later okay? So you can have some snack" the older woman said, handing her daughter a glass of juice.

Lauren took that as a cue to leave, she started walking towards the  stairs and to the hallway leading her to the familiar room. This house is like Lauren's second home. Her other three friends also just leave nearby, well their houses are just next to each other actually. The arrangement is like this, Hernandez's; Jauregui's; Cabello's; Hansen's; Hamilton's.

Camila's bedroom door is slightly opened so she didn't knock instead she peeked her head, she saw her there sitting on her bed, her head leaned on the head board, her feet are stretched. Camila is holding her phone but Lauren doesn't really know what she's doing. She doesn't know why she's scared of going to her girlfriend when it's all she's been doing her entire existence in this world. Taking a deep breath she quietly made her way to the bed, she sat near her to make her presence known. 

The brown eyed girl stopped scrolling through her tumblr but she's not in the mood to talk to Lauren, she can talk to Phoebe if she wants, Camila thought to her self.

"Camz?" Lauren called out softly. There's a good three minutes of silence while she's waiting for a response but she got none. She reached for her thigh, and sighed.

"Babe?" she said again.

"I'm busy Lauren, go talk to Phoebe instead" although she's trying her best not to sound irritated her tone just gave it all.

"I know you're jealous-"

"Pft! Who said I am" Camila scoffed cutting Lauren's sentence.

"I won't say anything no more, I'm sorry. I don't like it when you ignore me" she said softly.

"I don't like it when you don't respond to calls or texts and make me wait like a fool" Camila snapped, putting down her phone on the night stand a little harsh before crossing her arms over her chest.

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