Chapter Six

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All five girls are sprawled around the Hansen's living room trying to focus on their group project, well at least the three of them. Camila and Ally will look at each other and they would laugh for no reason, earlier the three other girls will join them because it is kind of funny but now it's starting to annoy them cause they can't concentrate and give their full attention to the task at hand. It is so annoying most especially to Lauren, it is a thing Ally and her girlfriend do since way before and she feels this kind of jealousy cause it's like they share a connection that she and Camila doesn't have. She's glaring at the two of them before looking down at her paper trying to ignore them. There's a moment of silence before a really loud laughter burst again.

"Ally! Camila! Stop laughing and help us here." Normani swatted although it annoys her it wasn't like Lauren.

"O-okay. Sorry girls" Camila said covering her mouth to prevent herself from laughing again, she herself don't know why, and what's funny but it's just is.

Not long enough to loud laughter erupted again, filling the whole room. Lauren slammed down her hand on the floor crumpling the paper. It startled not only Ally and Camila but also Normani and Dinah.

"You know what?! Let's stop working! If you two would sit here laughing all day I might as well do something else! You're suppose to help us here" she half yelled, standing up and leaving the house slamming the door shut.

The remaining four fell silent, all of them at lost none of them don't know what to say or do. All of them who's been with the girl for a lot of years already don't actually know whether they should follow her or not. Camila is having a debate inside her head, she want to follow Lauren and say sorry because of not being able to help and be serious but on the other hand she doesn't want to since she's not really sure that's just the reason. Her girlfriend isn't usually like that even when she's not in the mood, amongst all of them she's the calmer one well second from Ally.

Coming up with a decision she stood up looking at the still shock girls. She excused herself and she saw Lauren closing their house door, she quickly ran after her. She twisted the door know letting herself in, Mike is in their living room watching TV. Lauren's father smiled at her nodding, she went straight to the stairs leading her to the green eyed girls room.

She knocked hesitantly on the door, she only does that when she's not sure if they are on good terms. On the side of the door Lauren knew it's Camila, although she didn't see nor heard her she just know, she can feel it. Their connection is that strong, so after sighing she opened the door. Lauren is aware how immature the way she acted earlier, both of them stood there awkwardly.

Camila is fidgeting with her finger, Lauren kept snapping her. Signs that both of them are nervous and at lost.

"I'm Sorry" Both of them said in unison. They chuckled they both stopped talking again.

"There's nothing" again they spoke at the same time. For the two if them it is funny so they started laughing like complete lunatics.

"Okay babe go on, you talk first" Lauren said pulling Camila inside her room.

"I'm sorry for not helping earlier" she whispered once she's seated on the foot of Lauren's bed.

"No, I'm sorry for acting like a child" Lauren apologized.

"We're both sorry then" the younger girl giggled.

"Yes. Are we okay?"

"Of course. Do you wanna go back there?"

"I feel stupid, it's embarrassing" Lauren admitted.

"They are our friends Lo"

"Yes exactly. Ally is our friend" Lauren emphasized.

"What do you mean?" Camila asked in confusion.

"I was jealous" she whispered really fast.

"You were what?" her eyebrows are knitted together.

"I was jealous" she repeated now more understandable.

"For real?" the other brunette chuckled, she find it really amusing.

"I know it's stupid, stop laughing"

"No I think it's cute. You're not the jealous type but of all people Ally?" Camila exclaimed.

"Shut up Camz" Lauren grumbled.

"Okay. Okay. but why?"

"I don't know. It just happen whenever you two does that"

"Do what?" Camila asked, her eyebrows are raised it is amusing for her. Like her girlfriend is actually jealous of their best friend Ally? Out of all people?

"When you look at each other and started laughing. It's like you have a connection" she admitted her lips slightly puckered.

"Babe you're such a cutie" Camila cooed, opening Lauren's arms so she would hug her and the older girl did.

"Do you think they are mad?"

"Nope, not at all. And Ally looks so guilty so you should talk to her"

"I will. Let's go?"

"Carry me" she said stretching out her hand pulling the cutest face she can. Lauren stared at her girlfriend lovingly breaking into a smile and stepped closer to carry her like a child. Both of Camila's hands are wrapped around her neck and her legs on her waist and Lauren's hands are supporting her, it doesn't look sexual at all.

Lauren started to make both their way downstairs, her family is in their living room watching TV. She continue walking while Camila greeted them, telling them Lauren is carrying her as if it wasn't obvious enough the Jauregui's smiled in admiration. Lauren is a different person when she's with the brown eyed girl. Going back to their own business they let the two go, soon enough they are in Dinah's house again. Both of them let go, when they saw their friends. Lauren felt like she's about to pee, she's never really like this but to think of it this the first time she snapped at them.

"Sorry guys" she muttered.

"I should be the one saying sorry Laur. I'm supposed to be the mature one here"

"But still what I did wasn't right"

"Let's just forget about it and finish this crap" Dinah said.

"Yeah. Besides..." Normani trailed off putting her hand in the middle, they all grinned and followed suit.

"All in 5, 5 in 1!" they yelled throwing their hands in the air.

The event not too long ago forgotten as they all work on their project. The good thing about loving your friends so much and they love you the same way is no problem can ever come between you, you always find a way to solve it and make sure that at the end of the day you still have each other's back. That when the whole world is starting to make you feel worse they are there beside you cheering you up, you conquer the world together... as you continue to be stronger. That's why it hurts more than a break up as some people say. All five girls cherish each other and there's no time that they wished they have another group of friends, they won't replace even just one of them. That's something you should be proud of. And as all of them are oblivious with the coming even they are enjoying their time... that may or may not end sooner than they want or thought.

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