Chapter Twelve

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Normani took the keys away from Ally's trembling hands as they reached the garage wjere their car is parked. They just found out the her mom was taken to the hospital, and they are about to go there for further information.

They filled the car Dinah taking the shot gun seat, Lauren and Camila with Ally at back. They are comforting Ally even though they are also worried sick, Dinah propped herself up to have a view at them and Normani kept glancing at the rearview mirror checking on them. They aren't use on seeing the shortest girl looking so down, she's usually a ball of sunshine and so optimistic so the girls are not use on seeing their friends vulnerable side. All of them know how much het mom means to her and how worried she is concerning her mom's condition.

"I don't know what I'd do if something bad happens to my mom" Ally's shaky voice broke the silence and they all shared worried glances.

"It'll be fine Ally. I know it because your mom is such a strong woman and God won't let something happen to her. We'll get there soon okay?" Camila said rubbing her friend's back the three other girls agreed.

Ally's sobbing is the only noise you can hear through out the car ride and the girls can literally feel their hearts break inside their chest. Normani wants to drive faster to reach the hospital sooner but she can't and she's thinking about their safety too.

After what seems like forever the girls saw the big letters, the sign that they already reached the hospital. Normani quickly found a spot to park their car and like a lightning they emptied the car jogging their way inside the Hospital.

"We're looking for Patricia Hernandez" Normani asked the girl in the front desk.

She did something with the computer and faces them again.

"She's in room 102 second floor" she says kindly and they thanked her going to the elevator.

The girls are tapping their foot waiting for the door to open, and as soon as it did they ran towards the said room. Ally twisted the knob revealing her dad and brother who're both sat on the couch and her mom's who's fast asleep on the hospital bed. She weakly made her way to her dad and hugged him Jerry rubbed her daughter's back to comfort her wiping his own tears. The girls stood there watching the heart breaking scene.

"Daddy what's wrong?" Ally asked when they pulled away.

"The doctor says she should have her surgery as soon as possible" the older man said, taking off his glasses and wiped his eyes.

"But we don't have enough money for that yet. And I don't know what I can do to raise the money we already have"

"Use my savings for college dad" she blurted.

"Ally your mom doesn't want that" Jerry said with shock.

"But she's more important. Her health is more important." Ally said firmly.

"Honey you know that's not true"

"Use our saving Ally" Lauren chimed in.

"But girls we're suppose to use that this summer and it's your money" Ally said.

"It's your money too. And we can just stay here during vacation we can do lots of fun stuff without going anywhere" Lauren reasoned out.

"Yeah Ally. We can have a road trip around here in Florida instead you know" Normani butted in, agreeing with Lauren's decision.

"But how about our plans? We've been planning this since I can remember." Ally reasoned out. It wasn't because she want to have a nice summer instead to get her mom cured, it is more because of the other girls she know that they don't really mind but she still can't help but feel like she's taking away something precious from them.

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