Chapter Four

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Lauren rubbed Camila's arm while they are standing in the parking lot with the other three girls near their car, yes 'their' car. Their parents bought it for them, since they always go to places together they decided it'll be better to buy them one. Ally, Normani, and Lauren already got their license but the other two haven't yet. For the past year it works for them.

"Camz it's okay if you wanna go home with the girls. I'll just call Ally to pick me up Later." Lauren said to her girlfriend who looks so tired due to lack of sleep. The porcelain skinned girl needs to stay for a Softball practice, and the younger usually wait for her.

"No I want to stay. We'll go home together." she mumbled stubbornly as she fight the sleepiness.

"Lauren as if Camila would leave you here. She's stubborn, you guys act like we weren't with each other since we were in diapers." Normani said, Camila glared at her playfully.

"Yeah right, okay." Lauren said.

"So call us when you two are coming home okay?" Ally asked,  pressing the fob to unlock the car Dinah hurriedly went to the shotgun seat beating Mani to it. And the eldest girl shook her head to her friends.

"Yeah, bye girls." she waved and the sleepy girl nodded her head a little.

Lauren watch as the car speed up, driving away from the school's parking lot. She slightly tugged on Camila's hand motioning her to walk, with their fingers locked with each other they both walked over to the rest of her team mates, who're already warming up. She put down her bag along with her girlfriend's on the bench where Camila sat on it. She handed her, her phone and the other important things. She planted a kiss on her forehead.

"Call any of the girls when you want to go home okay?"

"No, Lauren just practice over there and I'll be here."

"You're so stubborn babe." she chuckled fixing her uniform.

When Camila didn't come up with any good comeback she just shut her mouth and soon after Lauren walked away joining her team, at first she'd look at Camila's who's watching her and whenever their eyes meet a smile would form on both their faces. The other girls in the team teased Lauren but when she put her game-face on she stopped looking over where the brunette is. She felt her limbs started to ache in a good way, droplets of sweat tickling on her forehead and her her body is covered with it. Their coach blew her whistle telling them the practice is over, and she jogged over back to Camila's location.

Her head is bowed down and her hair is falling covering her beautiful face, Lauren noticed the patterned rise and fall of her shoulder and she smiled to herself. The girl fell asleep and she really appreciate ever little things Camila does for her, like this she is well aware by the fact of how tired she is but the fact that she chose to wait for her made her feel so special and happy. Lauren's love for Camila isn't a joke, although for the past few days she's starting to feel.... nevermind. She bent down and tucked the loose strand of her hair on her ear and kissed her lips lightly. She didn't even budge, she grabbed the towel and dried herself from sweats, sitting down next to her girlfriend and placed her head on her shoulder. She glanced at her phone to check the time, it wasn't that late and their house wasn't that far either so she let her sleep for a while.

"A lot of people wonder where or when they would meet their one true love, thinking what they look like. If they already crossed path with them, in the mall, train station, school, or sidewalk. Or if ever they would even meet that someone, and I am so lucky I don't have to wonder for those because the moment my heart beat for you incredibly fast I knew it was you. I love you Camila, I wish I can show you how much, you are the most beautiful girl-.. person I've ever laid my eyes on. I wish you can see that, how I want you to see yourself the way I see you. I wish I can make those doubts and insecurities go away because you don't have to feel those, you're not perfect baby but you are who you are and that is amazing." Lauren rambled although Camila doesn't hear her... or does she? She kissed her temple and Camila stirred.

She opened her tired eyes and wiped them, Lauren met her tired eyes and smiled softly at her.

"Sorry if I disturbed your sleep"

"No" she answered shaking her head lightly, and leaned forward to kiss her. At first Lauren was taken aback but when she came to her senses she kissed her back. She felt Camila smile and she can't help but do the same.

"I love you" the green eyed girl voiced out.

"I love you more." she said sweetly.

"Let's go home?" she asked.

"Are you tired?"

"Not so much babe, are you still tired?"

"Yeah. And my nape hurts for sleeping with that position" Camila said truthfully.

"Want me to carry you?" Lauren offered already knowing why she asked her that.

"Do you want to?"

"With pleasure" she grinned.

She bent down to let Camila get on her back, she wrapped her arms on her things to support her and the other girl picked their bag. She stood up carefully and stared walking, they are both silent as they exited the school's property, Lauren kept on walking and Camila noticed it.

"Aren't we supposed to call Ally?"

"Yes. But look at the sky, the sun is about to set and I want us to enjoy it. And I love being alone with you."

"But you'll get tired of carrying me" she whined.

"I won't, you weight like a feather. And the walk wasn't that long"

"Rude" Camila said playfully and they both laughed. She adjusted Camila.

"Babe what should we name our first child?" Lauren asked suddenly and that made Camila's heart beat faster, they had this conversation a lot of times but it still sent her to cloud nine.

"I thought you said if it's a girl we'll name her Camren and Cameron if a boy?" she asked smiling.

"Yeah but how about you. What name do you want?"

"Well I want to name it after the girls, if our baby would be a girl. And if he's a boy I would stick with Cameron or Noah!" she said the last part with excitement.

"As in Noah from The Notebook?" she chuckled.

"Yes! I love Ryan!"

"More than me?" she pouted.

"Of course not" she said kissing Lauren's cheek.

"Good. So what name do you want if it's a girl?"

"NormInahLly" she answered proudly with a smile.

"Wow that's perfect. I like that too."


"Yeah, So NormInahLly for girl and Cameron for boy?"

"That's perfect" she said.

"We sound like one of us is already pregnant" Lauren said amused.

"At least we're prepared" Camila said wiggling her eyebrows.

"That's right. Oh we're here already" Lauren said aloud when she saw the familiar house, they didn't noticed it because they are lost in their own world.

She let Camila stand on her feet, as they both went inside the Jauregui's. Lauren announced her presence and put down her bag and left to walk Camila home although it's just actually beside theirs. Ally, Normani and Dinah saw them passed by as they are in Ally's porch. They admire the relationship the two have, they both grow in some ways but they managed to make their relationship stay the way it is in fact much better. But none of them know a big change will happen that none of them ever see coming.

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