Chapter ThirtyOne

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Two months have passed since New Year, the day the girls made up with Lauren. Camila can say that everything is going on well, her friendship with Lauren is starting to be back, maybe not as much as before but at least now they can stay in one room without getting all awkward towards each other.

Lauren and Shawn's first encounter was really awkward, none of the girls expected them to be friends considering the situation. But the good thing is they can also be together and be civil towards each other. Camila doesn't want any drama in her life right now, everything is just starting to work out for her and as much as she could she want it to stay like that.

She stood up, grabbed an apple, and sat down beside her mom who is having a conversation with her dad who just came few hours ago. No, they aren't back together, they're not divorce but still. Camila knows it's not that simple, them being back together isn't going to happen over a day. There are still a lot to consider and after everything that happens she understands where they are coming, she's happy to see them like that and that's enough for now.

Camila told her mom she would go over at Dinah's to spend the Saturday night with the girls, summer is approaching soon and no too long from now they would graduate High School, they all have different directions so they are spending their free time together as long as they can.

She can already hear Dinah's laughter and a manly voice she got excited assuming it's Shawn, because the young man spends most of his time with them than with his parents or in their house. From where she is, she can see Ally holding a guitar that is definitely Shawn's. The struggle is seen on Ally's face and that might be the reason of their laughter.

Once she approached them she took the seat next to Shawn, and greeted him.

"Hey Canada" she said cheerfully, pinching his cheek.

"Ugh, when will you stop calling me that?" He whined

"Nevahhh" she said changing her usual voice to then scrunch up her nose, Shawn copying her.

"Hello? We're still here" Dinah like always sassed.

"My oh my, how can I not notice my oh so lovely China?" Camila cooed, walking towards her best friend, throwing herself all over her.

"Walz get off, little Ally would be jealous" Dinah said, strugling to push her off of her.

"Of course not, come here my little Ally join us" Camila said extendinf out an arm motioning for Ally to join their hug.

The girl didn't complain, handing Shawn his guitar before joining them.

"Oh so you're acting like that without me?!" Normani said who just came back putting the bags of foods on the table, throwing herself at her best friends.

They stayed like that giggling, until Camila noticed Lauren standing there rather awkwardly looking at them not having an idea what to do. Once she saw the pizza that the girl is holding she pushed Normani causing her to fall down with a loud thud, grabbing the box of pizza from Lauren, grinning at her.

She saw Lauren laughing at Normani's pained expression, she successfuly saved them from what's to come. She shot her best friend and innocent smile who is glaring at her.

After that they all grabbed slices of pizza and she handed Shawn one, who put his guitar aside to eat.

The pizza is almost gone, only one slice is left and as she went to grab it another hand did, she looked up and met Lauren's green eyes, for a second her heart skipped a beat.

"Oh you can have it" Lauren said pushing it towards her.

"No, no. I already ate three, it's okay. You can have it" she diclined smiling at her.

"No" Lauren shook her head, being her stubborn self.

"No" Camila said back.

"Let's share it" they both said, they were always like that, before what Lauren have, Camila have it as well.

Some things just never change.


It's starting to get late, but they're still at Dinah's house, their parents that was with them earlier already called it a night.

They doesn't run out of topic, and none of them is deciding to sleep yet, they don't have school for tomorrow anyway.

"Shawn what time will Rob pick you up?" She asked, picking up her head from his shoulder to look at him.

"Don't worry, he'll show up when you least expect it" he chuckled, ruffling her hair.

"Why don't you sing a song for us then?" Normani requested making the best puppy face she could.

"Of course Mani" he said smiling.

The young man picked up his guitar, play a few chords, to then start the song.

(Imagination - Shawn Mendes)

"Oh, there she goes again,
Every morning it's the same
You walk on by my house
I wanna call out your name" After a few strums he started to sing, his soothing voice filling the quiet night, all of them staring at him. Camila is still not over how amazing of a singer he is, he can write his own songs. He knows how to create art from his passion.

"I want to tell you how beautiful you are from where I'm standing
You got me thinking what we could be 'cause. I keep craving, craving, you don't know it but it's true, can't get my mouth to say the words they want to say to you. This is typical of love
Can't wait anymore, I won't wait, I need to tell you how I feel when I see us together forever"

His eyes is closed meaning he's into the song he is singing, she can already feel her friends' eyes on her, because just like before she knows he is singing to her. She don't know how to react, although Shawn remained calm, then he opened his eyes to lock gaze with her. She can't look away, she feel uneasy for an unknown reason.

"In my dreams you're with me
We'll be everything I want us to be, and from there, who knows, maybe this will be the night that we kiss for the first time
Or is that just me and my imagination" he sang and smiled at her, in spite of her uneasiness she smiled back, feeling warm to know the guy might feel that towards her.

"We walk, we laugh, we spend our time walking by the ocean side. Our hands are gently intertwinedn, A feeling I just can't describe. All this time we spent alone, thinking we could not belong to something so damn beautiful. So damn beautiful"

She felt something, inside her something happened. But she just stared back at him confious as ever.

" I keep craving, craving, you don't know it, but it's true
Can't get my mouth to say the words they want to say to you
This is typical of love
Can't wait anymore, I won't wait I need to tell you how I feel when I see us together forever"

He leaned forward, dropping his voice in almost a whisper and continue to sing.

"In my dreams, you're with me
We'll be everything I want us to be, and from there, who knows, maybe this will be the night that we kiss for the first time or is that just me and my imagination"

She and Shawn stared at each other's eyes, lost in their own world. Maybe they aren't a thing, but she knows there's something.

"Umm... ahh I need to go now. See you all tomorrow" Lauren said, she look at her. She look like she's about to cry confusing the brown eyes girl more.

Before any of them could say anything, Lauren hurriedly left. Leaving all of them somewhat confuse.

And here's for Camila thinking everything is well.

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