Chapter ThirtyFour

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The events from last night kept on replaying on Camila's head, she didn't get even just a blink of sleep, that's why she gave up and stood up to take a cold shower hoping it will help to wake her senses and figure everything out.

She took her time in the bathroom, the way Lauren affects her amazes and scares her at the same time. It's like she have some power to make Camila go crazy, that was okay for her before but will everything that happened between them Camila doesn't like it. As much as possible she don't want to depend on anyone, "No man is an Island", yeah she knows that but she can also be strong for herself.

Once she's dressed for the day, she went down stairs to kiss her mom and greeted her 'Good morning' before grabbing a sandwhich and banana running out the house to hop on inside the car.

She returned the girls' smiles before spacing out that didn't went unnoticed by her friends, they all shared a look before turning their attention to Camila, Ally stopping the car.

"Mila what's wrong?" Dinah broke the silence.

Camila jumped a little, staring wide eyed at her friends.

"Oh uh, nothing" she lied.

"You're so terrible at hiding things" Normani said sternly.

"I will tell you girls later. I'm just gonna sort things out" she said.

"Okay Mila. We're just worried about you" Ally said softly.

Camila nodded her head, the rest of their ride is silent.
They waited until their lunch break to finally have the talk.

"What?!" The three yelled in unison, some of the students who are in the cafeteria now looking at them. Camila glared at them for grabbing their attention.

"Keep it down!" She hissed.

"Sorry Mila, but can you blame us?" Ally said apologetically.

"I know Ally. I just don't want any other rumors like before" she sighed.

"So what do you want to do Mila?" Normani asked.

"Honestly I don't know, maybe ignore her for now" she said after heaving a sigh.

"You can't ignore Lauren forever. She's your neighbor, classmate and don't forget that your moms would notice" Dinah said matter of factly.

"I know that D. Ugh it's all so confusing" she groaned, burying her face to her hands.

"Do you still love her?" Ally asked out of a sudden, then she remembered Sofia.

"Of course Ally. She'sy first love, first kiss, first everything... including heartbreak" she whispered the last part sadly.

"Are you sure you're not just scared?" Normani asked staring right at her.

"There's so much more than that" she said.

"Okay walz. Don't forget we're here, kay?" Dinah said wrapping an arm around her shoulder, Camila rested her head on her best friend's shoulder taking a deep breath. Sending a silent prayer for everything to be okay.


Camila is walking side by side with Shawn, the young man obeying her request earlier when he asked if she's okay. Camila want to inhale fresh air to clear her mind.

Shawn gives Camila comfort that is why she told her friends she's take a walk home with him. Camila loves how at peace she is when he is aroun, how he makes her feel strong. Shawn's existence in her life caused a lot of good things to happen for her. She can never show or tell him how thankful she is for him always being there.

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