Chapter One

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Today is the day, summer officially ended and they are going back to school. It always amazes people how fast time goes by, that everything happened in the past feels like a it happened with a blink of an eye. Just three months ago the five girls were anxious for their junior year to end and now senior year is starting.

Lauren's precious sleep was interrupted when her phone started ringing rudely but her frown instantly turn into a smile because she knew who could be calling her in this early morning. Even during vacation she got used to this morning routine.

"Good Morning" she said in her morning voice, it's raspier than usual. Lauren rubbed her eyes to lessen her sleepiness.

"Open up your window"Camila demanded her on the other line.

Groggily Lauren stood up from her bed walking towards the window she opened up the window and saw Camila smiling at her from her room, if Lauren look like a mess right now... well at least that's what she want to think. Camila is the complete opposite, her silky hair is flowing freely the wind blowing it lightly, she's wearing just the right amount of make-up. But what really captured Lauren's heart is the way she's smiling at her.

"What time did you wake up?" she asked, sitting on her window laying her head back lazily.

"I was up early, around 5:30 or something" Camila is now sitting too.

Growing up they always do this, their windows right across from each other's house so this isn't anew thing for them. It wasn't too far but it's also not near enough for them to hear each other without shouting. So they talk over the phone or use whiteboard. Most of the times when either of them can't sleep or they simply just want to talk, they'd stay up late having the same position right now talking like they are really right next to each other.

"Someone's excited" she teased.

"Pft... you know exactly that I'm not." Camila scoffed.

"Camz you'll be fine. You already knew those people" Lauren said softly trying to encourage her girlfriend, Camila doesn't really like being around so many people. She barely talk to others not because she's a snobby bitch but because she doesn't know how to socialize.

"I know... I just can't help it. Let's not talk about that. Get ready, we're eating at Dinah's. I think our parents are already there" she informed.

Yearly their parents would host a breakfast it's like a good luck for them and today Dinah's parents are the one who's in-charge.

"Okay I'll be there. Are you coming here and wait for me?"

"Sure thing, now go" Camila giggled playfully and she did. They ended the call, Lauren went straight to her bathroom and Camila grabbed her backpack.

And run downstairs their house is now empty her mom and sister are already waiting for them there. It's only them in their house since her dad isn't here... well enough said for that. She made her way out of the door the sunlight hitting her eyes so she squinted a bit and started walking to Lauren's house that's just beside theirs. The door wasn't unlock so she went inside and saw Chris sitting on the couch.

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