Chapter TwentyFour

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Camila is sitting on her bed, her head resting on the head board while she's engage of this new book she's reading. She closed it and put it on her night stand, she look outside her window looking directly at Lauren's room. She saw her sitting on the bean bag talking to someone, she still misses her but she's learning to accept it now. She is slowly teaching herself to get use to not having the girl around. She's trying not to crave her presence so much, she miss seeing the girl smile at her, their morning and late night routines. She misses hearing Lauren saying I love you to her although she look like shit. But she knows that thinking about it all the time won't do her any good, she need to move on. She need to go on with life and accept that she won't be in the picture anymore.

Camila's bedroom door opened, Sofi smiled shyly at her and she waved asking her to come over. She waited for her sister to be beside her, she was taken aback when the young girl tackled her in a hug she wrapped her arms around her sister.

"I missed you Kaki. I thought you'd be gone forever" she heard her sister whimpered not letting her go.

"I missed you too Sof. No way, I won't let that happen butterfly queen 1. Kaki won't never leave you" before she didn't even thing about what her sister would feel if she's gone and right now she's so thankful because if it wasn't also because of her she may not be here anymore.

"Promise you won't leave again?" She pulled away looking at her with those innocent young eyes.

"I promise" she said locking her pinky with her.

"Mommy said you did that because you are sad. Is it because Lauren have a new girlfriend?" She was surprised by her sister's question but she swallowed the lump in her throat.

"Well yeah because of that too. But I'm sad because of a lot of things. I am better now though. I am happy, especially you're here" she smiled

"I talked to Lauren" Sofi shared.

"You did?" She asked.

"Yeah. After mom took you to the hospital I saw her"

"Well what did you guys talked about?"

"You" her sister said simply as if it's nothing.

"Me? Do you want to tell me?"

"Okay. I told her I hate her" Camila stared at her sister wide eyed.

"Sofi that's not good. Why did you tell her that?" She said at lost on how to explain it to her sister.

"Sorry Kaki. Because I know she's the reason why you are sad and why you did that" Sofi explained.

"It's okay but you probably hurt her feelings. Lauren loves you so much. And she's not the only reason baby. You are too young to understand" she spoke softly.

"Do you think if I'll talk to her she won't get mad?" Sofia asked innocently.

"I don't think so. What did Lauren say after you told her that?"

"Nothing. She just stared at me with those sad eyes and hugged me until I fell asleep. I feel like I behaved badly towards her" her sister sound guilty and sad.

"We all make mistakes. And I'm sure Lauren would forgive you easily. You're too cute to resist you know" she cooed tickling her sister's neck earning a giggle.

"You think so?" Her sister asked hopefully

"I know so" she smiled winking at her.

Sofi cupped her face with her tiny hands looking directly at her.

"I love you Kaki. And you are so strong" she said smiling at her.

Camila didn't say anything and hugged her tightly, sobbing at her sister's words. She's so thankful she have all these wonderful people with her during this battle.

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