Chapter Thirty

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Camila's phone started ringijng interupting the conversation she's having with the girls, Dinah telling them about her new love interest that she met in California whilec she's away for vacation.

She raised a finger and excused herself to take the call, she stood creating some distance from her friends. She pressed answer and put the phone on her ear.

"Hello stranger" She greeted cheerfully, a wide smile on her face.

"Hey loner" Shawn greeted back and although she can't see him she can tell that he is smiling.

"What's up?" She asked. Shawn isn't in Miami. He was forced to go with his parents to Canada he was kind of okay with it because he can catch up with old friends and relatives.

"Nothing. I just wanted to know how's everything over there and if I could call you later?" he asked, Camila is amuse how he can be shy and insecure with some things. She really like that about him.

"Everything is fine, we'll have dad's barbecue for later. They set up a little party in our garden. And of course Shawn you can always call me whenever you want" she told him the smile she have never left.

"How I wish I could be there. It's boring over here, still all about business and stuff" he huffed, Camila knows him too much. Too much, to know that he is rolling his eyes will saying that.

"I wish you are here. Wait I thought you will hang out with good friends?"

"Well that was the plan before I found out they all went somewhere else" he sighed.

"Aww poor Shawny" she cooed teasing him.

"Stop that Mila" he said faking annoyance.

"You're such a spoil sport" she whined.

Camila can hear him chuckling and her heart fluttered.

"As much as I don't want to I'll go now. Expect a call from me later. I miss you so much loner" he said sincerely.

"Ah already? Okay. I miss you too" she said a little disappointed.

"Sadly. Bye Camila" and then after a little while he hung up.

Camila went back to her friends the smile she have never left and as she approached them they are all giving her looks but she sat beside them instead.

"So how's your lover Mila?" Normani asked as soon as her butt landed on the couch.

"Lover?" She asked back confused.

"Shawn duh" Ally sassed.

"Shawn is not my lover and how can you be so sure it was him I am talking to?" She rolled her eyes at them.

"Whatever you want yourself to believe. And duh that shit eating grin you have is enough evidence to know it was him" Dinah said rolling her eyes aswell.

"Whatever. He was sad he wasn't here with us" she informed.

"With us or with you?" Normani said grinning at her.

"Okay Mani" she pouted.

"Dang Camila stop with that face" Normani said throwing a pillow at her but she remained like that.

She groaned trying not to look her way Camila want to crack up but didn't.

"Dinah make her stop doing that" Normani said kicking their friend.

"Bish! And not my problem" she said kicking back Normani.

Until Ally joined them, a pillow fight started and it's hard not to join so Camila jumped on top of all of them making kissy faces to gross them out.

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