Chapter Nineteen

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Sinuhe shot up from her bed when she heard a loud crashing sound coming from the other side of the house it's 1 in the morning so she's alarmed and she heard crying it's Sofi! Coming from Camila's room and Sinuh's heart hammered against her chest faster and harder thinking the unthinkable. And once she's inside her elder daughter's room she felt weak, the lifeless body of Camila lying on the floor with her other daughter kneeling beside her sister shaking her furiously. Fear can be seen on her eyes, she ran to them checking Camila's pulse and breathe in relief when she still felt it.

She dialed 911 quickly and managed to keep herself strong for her two daughter, and once she got to tell them where their location is she faced Sofi.

"Sofi I need you to look after Kaki okay? I will call others for help, don't leave her. Wait for mommy" she said wiping her daughter's tears away.

Running out of the door she went to the Hernandez's house the closest one to theirs beside from the Jauregui's, and Sinu knows if she's Camila she won't go there. After some frantic knocking the door opened revealing an still half asleep Ally and was shocked to see her.

"Sinu? What's wrong?" Ally asked and before she can answer the sound of sirens came and as if in realization Ally's eyes widened seeking hers for confirmation.

"She.... tried kill.. herself" she choked out.

She watch as the medics took her daughter's lifeless body, Sofia now with the Hansen's. They all woke up and was apaled when they heard the shocking news that made them all cry, and pray is the only thing they could do now hoping that they aren't so late in saving her life.

Sinu is with Dinah who insisted she should come and made it clear no one can stop her. Ally and Normani made her promised to call them whenever and whatever news she brings. Clara and Michael is by far second from Sinu who are taken aback from what's happening. Camila is a family whether she and Lauren are in a relationship or not.

Camila was sent to the ER as soon as they got to the hospital. Dinah held Sinu's hand both of them praying silently that everything will be okay. That maybe they are not too late and they can have her back, to goof around with them by tomorrow.

"It'll be Christmas soon, and I won't ask for anything Dinah. I only want my daughter back" she said tears flowing freely.

"I know. Me too" Dinah whispered weakly.
She's not ready to lose one of her best friends yet... maybe ever. They all know it's been hard for Camila lately and she's mad she wasn't able to help her enough so she won't do something like that.

Sinu is also thinking the same, she didn't push her daughter to talk to her thinking that once she's ready she will and it turns out that she's not dealing with it like the way she thought she is. It scares her, she would be lying if she'll say this never came up to her mind... that's why she always keep an eye on her. She saw how much Camila love Lauren, she witnesed it all and she know that like what already happened it can destroy her daughter. You can also say that she wasn't prepared for she didn't see it coming, Lauren and Camila's break up.

"Anyone for Camila Cabello" the doctor said coming out of the room.

"How is she?" She asked hurrying to his side.

"She's stable right now. You are lucky you got her here on time. Her immune system is too weak to fight all the medicines she consumed so if it weren't because of her coming her just on time she won't make it. We pumped out all the pain killers she took to keep her on overdosing, She hit her head so you can expect her to have a massive head ache. She's still unconsious and we'll observe her 24/7 until she wakes up. Anyway, she'll be transfered to another room and another doctor would come to explain her situation further" he said. Sinu thanked him and he left.

"Oh God, Thank you" Sinu breathed in relief. Another flood of tears as she and Dinah hugged.


Dinah, Ally, and Normani are sat around Camila's bed, Sinu is on the couch sleeping as she stayed up to wait until Camila wakes up but there's still no sign of conciousness and Dinah told the older woman to get some rest and she'll be watching Camila. An hour or so ago the two came both of their eyes blood shot from crying. Dinah explained them everything, a doctor or nurse coming every other hour to check Camila's vitals.

They sat there talking about their past experiences, relieving the good ol' memories to keep light of the situation. Their parents excused them from school informing them about the situation.

They saw Camila move and they fell silent waiting for her to wake up, and there they saw her brown eyes fluttering open, the emptiness in them hurts them. She looked around until a wave of realization hit her. She turned her head towards them smiling weakly.

"Girsl" she said above a whisper, her voice hoarse for being unused.

"Are you stupid? Why did you do that?" Dinah asked but her angry tone replaced by sadness and joy at the same time. Her tears fell down once again as she wrapped her in her arms.

"Don't ever do that again okay? You have us, and if you think you don't matter anymore then you're stupid. Because you matter to us Walz, so much" she scolded and assured her at the same time releasing her wiping Camila's tears before her own.

"You scared us you know, I thought I will never have someone to praise me for my twerking skills" Normani spoke before she also broke down in tears kissing the younger girl's forehead.

"Mila don't you dare do that again okay? Because if you leave we're coming with you" Ally said seriously and sobbing on her shoulder.
"I'm so glad you're still here" she whispered.

But Camila just lie there watching them as she cry, at some point she hate it that she made it but once she heard them she regret what she did and thank God that she's still alive.

"I'm sorry" she whispered.

"Shh mija, you don't have anything to be sorry for. Just rest and get well okay?" Sinu told her kissing her hand, they didn't notice that she woke up, maybe she heard them.

They all went silent all 5 of them crying both of relief and grief for having Camila back but not having her with them at the same time. Her eyes look so dull and lifeless, because this time she's not hiding her sorrow from them... there's no use.

"Does she know?" Camila asked and sh don't need to mention her, they know who she is.

They all shook their head slightly watching her sadly, and she want to tell them not too because she feel even more weak but can't.

"Do you think she'll talk to me now?" She asks in no one in particular.

They still remain silent and she talks.

"I just want to see her, maybe now she'll talk to me. She'll tell me why suddenly she changed her mind and she can't stand the thought of being with me anymore. Maybe she'll answer all of my questions... because it's tiring to ask them in my head over and over but still can't come up with an answer. I want this pain to go away, I want her here" she said, her voice broken the hurt it reflects enough for them to feel it too.

At least now they get a glimpse on what going on inside her, the anger inside Dinah fueling up. She's tired doing nothing and just watch her best friend get hurt by the same person repeatedly and maybe one last talk can end it.

"She will talk to you. I promise you that" Dinah said.
The look she got from them isn't enough to make her change her mind. But the hope and a flicker of happiness in Camila's is enough for her to keep her promise and do what she says.

A/N: So sleepy . Good Night loves

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