Chapter ThirtyTwo

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That night when Lauren walked out, it really bothered Camila. She was confused among all of them. That is why three days later, right now she's still thinking 'bout out on her way home inside Shawn's car. The green eyed girl didn't distanced herseld but she is acting a little strange towards her and Shawn, oh well, she is always awkward with Shawn even before. Lauren isn't hanging out with them as often due to her grandmother's healt, she spend as much time as she can with her. Her condition is really putting Lauren in a bad state, she is so close to her. All of them are.

As to Shawn and Camila they haven't really talked about his song, they weren't awkward though, still the same. They even went to an Extreme Indoor games near town, Shawn accompanying Camila to check out some of her lists.

"Dinah texted, she's upset we didn't inform them" Shawn said, a small amuse smile on his lips, his eyes on the road.

"That's why I told you to leave your phone in the car" Camila scolded him half heartedly.

"If I did, I won't capture those epic moment of yours. And don't worry it ran out of battery" he said supressing a laugh, remembering Camila's face to every fearful things she did.

"Don't start messing with me Canada" the young latina hissed, glaring at him.

"You really won't stop calling me that, will you?" He asked, pretending to be upset.

"Duh" she said, and stuck out her tongue at him.

The young man shook his head smiling letting her be. Camila rested her head on her seat, and closed her eyes. Shawn rolled down the windows to let the wind in, if it's already hot in Miama the fact that summer is fast approaching added to it.

Through out the whole ride Camila remain still on her seat, tired, from all the things she did earlier. Like a magnet, Shawn can't keep his eyes of off the girl who had a serene expression. Camila is important for the young so much, so much that he is willing to do everything as long as she is happy. He would do everything just to see her calm and smile more. Because when she is, Shawn is too.

They reached Camila's house, he nudges her, waiting for her to wake up from her nap.

"We're here" he said to then get out from his car to open the door for her.

Camila got out from the car, smoothing her shirt and smiled at Shawn.

"Are you going home now?" She asked.

"Are you trying to get rid of me?" He joked

"Is it too obvious?" Camila scrunched up her face.

"You're always mean loner" he said with a pout.

"Aww you're so cute!" Camila squealed and cupped his face sqeezing it.

"Camila! Thank Goodness you're here!" Normani exclaimed, in an instant Camila got worried. She knows something is up, she felt her stomach churn once she saw Taylor's state. She quickly sent a prayer, hoping it's not what she think it is.

"Is she okay?" Asking the first thing that came to her mind.

"No... she's gone" Taylor sobbed and she pulled her in for a tight hug, rubbing the younger girl's back to calm her.

"It's okay Tay. It will be" she tried to comfort her, at the corner of her eye she saw Normani leading Shawn inside the house.

"Lauren. Mila she's... she's not handling it so well" Taylor cried out, tears started to fall down one by one.

She remembered the first time she saw the old woman that is now already in a better place. And remembered that at that time she felt so comfortable with her, her angelic smile matching her name, Angelica. To the times she and the rest of the girld will run to her so they won't get in trouble from their moms. The time when she scolded her and Lauren when they fought, over something petty. And to the last moment she ever saw her to the hospital a week ago, the old woman thinking she and Lauren are still together and giving them her words of wisdom. None of them had the heart or courage to tell her the news.

Camila lead Taylor inside wiping her own tears, there she saw all of her friends except Lauren. Clara and Chris are there as well who stood up once they saw her, she came in to embrace her second mom, crying silently in her arms, everyone who knows them well, knows how close she and Lauren is to Angelica.

"Where is she?" She asked in a hoarse voice.

And this time they know she is not asking about Angelica.

"She is missing, others went out to find her. She didn't take the news so well." Chris explained, hugging her mother and sister closer to him.

"Did they found her?"

"No. Your dad texted, he said, they still have no idea where she is" Sinu spoke.

"We're all worried about her. We all know how Lauren can be sometimes" Dinah said, then buried her face on her hands.

"I can call some people to help us" Shawn said from his seat.

"No. Wait for us here, I know where she is" Camila said, not waiting for anyone to talk and left the house running.

She hope that she is right, that she really is there. And right at that moment she prayed that Lauren is okay, because she doesn't know what she'll do if she isn't.

Her knees are starting to get weak, throat starting to dry, lungs shouting for air. The hot temperature making it harder for her, but she didn't stop running. And before she knew it she's there.

There she is standing under the three, staring at the sky, her beautiful eyes glossy and filled with tears. She look so weak and broken, and Camila's heart clenched.

Quietly she approached her, but both of them doesn't need any noise nor signs to know they are close to each other. Their hearts that are beating wildly are enouhg for both of them.

When Lauren turned around, Camila was uncertain for a moment. Thinking that she would reject any kind of help from her but to her surprise the green eyed girl ran towards her, hugging her tightly.

And Camila's own arms wrapped around her, pulling her closer. She let her cry on her shoulder, she put her hand on the back of Lauren's head, closing her eyes, and cried along with her.

"Camz..." Lauren said almost breathless.

"I know... I know it hurts. Let it all out. It's okay to cry" she whispered.

Lauren grabbed her shirt for sanity, there's no words to let the world know how much pain she is feeling, just like there's no words to explain how Camila comforted her.

Camila kissed the top of her head, rocking them.

"Let's go home. Everyone is worried about you." She said softly.

Lauren nodded on her shoulder and let go. She wrapped an arm around her shoulder guiding her towards the road to go back to their house.

She's glad she still knew her.


(Play Uncover - Zara Larson)

After they met everyone, this time in the Jauregui's house Camila guided Lauren to her room, locking her eyes with Shawn's that are full of understanding. Camila doesn't know why she feel guilty when she's with Lauren, and how awkward it is to be with Shawn when Lauren is around. But this time Lauren needs a best friend, and they all know by best friend Lauren means Camila.

She helped Lauren change into a much comfortable clothes before putting her to bed, she saw her eyes closed and stood up but Lauren's hand stopped her.

"Please don't leave" she pleaded in a small voice her eyes begging.

"I won't leave Lo. I promise I'll be here" she assured her and Camila means it.

She changed her clothes, some of her old clothes still in Lauren's closet. She got under the duvet joining Lauren, Lauren's head rested on one of her arm the other one stroking her hair.

"Rest now Lauren" she whispered.

Camila continued what she's doing, knowing it's helping her. And a while later she sang softly hoping it will work just like the old times. And it did.

Maybe they aren't together, but she will always be there for her and vice versa. Lauren will always be a part of her life.

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