Chapter Sixteen

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Camila was a complete wreck her best friends practically carried her out of the school with everyone staring and what a freaking coincidence Lauren and her new friends are there too, Dinah clenched and unclenched her fist breathing in and out to calm herself. She want to beat the light out of them but trying hard not to, Normani is also feeling the same way that she is but shook her head her biggest concern now is to get Camila out of the building before she'll mess up herself more.

The young girl feel nothing but pain physically and emotionally, even her mind is so tired of thinking of the painful event that happened a while ago. If it weren't for her friends she doesn't know if she'll make it out. She want to go to Lauren and beg to her until she will take her back. And even though she doesn't care about anything right now but to make Lauren hers again something inside her is stopping her. And the pleading and desperation in Lauren's voice when she told her to make it easy for her is another reason for her. She want her to be happy but she want to be selfish this time because Lauren is the only one that can make her happy.

Ally closes the car door once they are all inside, looking at Camila she looks like she lost it all. Heck she looks like she's not even with them now. A tear escaped Ally's eyes when she saw her on the rearview mirror. Dinah hugged Camila closer to her not saying anything.

Even though they know they are having problems but never the thought of them breaking up come to their minds. But they know now that this is different because they never actually "broke up" before. They're waiting for the two to open up but well then here is the news of them ending their relationship, well more of Lauren ending it.

And Lauren's change doesn't went unnoticed by them too, they may be loud most of the times but they know how to keep their mouth shuts.

They arrived at the Cabello's household and they weren't really surprised to see Clara in there talking to Sinuhe but with Camila's state how would they explain it when they'll ask why Camila is like that?

"What happened?" Sinu asked with terror and worry in her tone.

"Umm..." Ally trailed off they sat a crying Camila down on the couch and Clara made her drink water.

"Girls what's wrong? And where's Lauren? Why isn't she with you?" Clara asked then realization hit her but not quite.

"Lauren broke up with her" Dinah said, her anger obvious with her tone and the bitterness in her voice.

They all went silent until Camila cried histerically again. Sinu and Clara still processing the news not believing it.


The next morning Camila snuck out from their house, she want to go somewhere. She need to, before she lose every sense of her she need to see someone. She walked her way to the bus station that will take her somewhere, that no one knows she knows. It is kind of forbidden for her to go there but as long as no one knows she's okay. It'll be okay.

She took the bus that will take her to her destination, it wasn't that far and she's all too familiar to her now. To say that it eases Camila's pain a little is such a huge thing. She stared out of the window watching as they passed the trees, getting nearer and nearer to where she's headed. And the bus stopped she went out entering the neighborhood.

A little walk after there it stood in front of her, her father's house painted in dirty white, the grasses freshly cut. When her parents divorced due to her dad's constant drinking and lack of time for them her mom's patience wore thin and ended it. She saw how her dad begged her mom to take him back but didn't accept him. Until one day he stopped coming, any sort of conversation that will include his name forbidden. A 13 year old Camila have a lot of unanswered questions, she's young to understand it all but not quite not to know what's happening.

She found out her dad lost his mind and lives in his own house a nurse taking care of him, the caretakers keeping his house clean. She remember the first time she went there after she saw the address from her mom's closet it was painful because he's worse than what she imagined him to be. His eyes showing no emotions, all the life and spark they have gone. She always visit him from then without anyone knowing it, not even Lauren herself.

She entered the house the door already open, she was greeted by Nancy his dad's nurse and told her he's in the garden. If earlier she's not sure why she want to come here, she knows now. Maybe her dad would understand the pain of being left behind, because he probably knows how painful it is to beg someone to take you back but be rejected again and again. She is also sure he'd listen because he always does.

Even though he doesn't show any emotion, the comfort that he provides is enough for her to always come back. Camila wants her dad to feel that he's not alone, that she's there and didn't forgot about him.

"Hey papi" she greeted sitting next to him on the couch, just like before he didn't respond.

"My story today isn't a happy one like before" Camila spoke, she always tell him about her and Lauren. Lauren who's always been her dad's favorite for protecting her and she don't know if it will change after this.

"Lauren and I broke up" she said the tears she's holding back spilling.

"I don't understand it daddy. How people easily fall out of love, that not too long ago they claim you as the love of their life. They'll tell you that you are their world, you're holding on to those words. Thinking everything is fine but suddenly they'll leave you broken. I don't know what has gotten into her dad, if she like the new girl or not. That girl that hasn't been there for her during her roughest day, who hasn't stood up for her during the times she can't. I don't know how easily she forgot about her promises and our dreams. How so easily she gave up on us. She told me she won't leave and now she did. She wasn't like that" she cried, she felt stupid crying in front of him while he remain emotionless.

She stared at her dad and she saw a glimpse of emotion there but maybe she's hallucinating things.

"I understand it now daddy, why you became like this. How much pain you went through when mom told you to leave us, and I want to be mad at her for putting you in this state. Because now I know how weak you felt and the unbearable pain and all those thoughts that keeps on haunting you. Dad please come back to me, because I'm afraid I'll be like you. It hurts daddy, it wasn't even a week and I miss her badly. It was yesterday but the pain feels like it's been here forever. I want her back dad, I can't stop and give up too. I don't want to be like you daddy!" She said frustrated, she's mad at everything. Especially for being so weak and it is also a reason why she lost Lauren.

"Dad please come back. I need you too. I've been there for you be here for me too" she said looking at him.

"Please" she whispered sobbing on her hands. Camila nows it's selfish to tell him all of that, to force him to come back like it's that easy but she doesn't know what to anymore.

A moment after she felt a hand on her shoulder, she look up and saw her dad looking back at her. And for the first time in the past three years she saw something in her dad she haven't seen in a while. Emotions. Both sadness and guilt.

A/N: sorry for any mistakes

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