Chapter Seven

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Two silhouettes are visible as the moonlight hit the two girls, standing in front of the park where they first admitted their love, the exact month and date. Both of them can still remember that time... 

11:30 PM October 18, 2010. Lauren and Camila are sitting on the swing starring at the dark sky filled with stars and the bright moon shinning through them. Lauren can feel her heart hammering inside her chest, not too long ago she told her best friend that she's starting to like her more than a best friend should she was so scared then but it was nothing compare to what she's feeling now. Camila can easily reject her because the other girl admitted that she's scared to take such a huge step with their relationship that might risk what they have now.

The younger brunette is having the same feeling as Lauren without them knowing it, she's planning on telling Lauren she's ready to be her girlfriend. She's ready to risk something for them to be able to experience maybe the best thing that can ever happen to them.

Lauren is rubbing her palms together breathing deeply while Camila keep fidgeting her fingers she glanced at Lauren who's already looking at her and they both blushed. Why are they so nervous? They shouldn't be right? They are best friends and they are always together but today is different they are just about to confess their love.

"Camz?" Lauren said nervously breaking the silence.

"Yeah?" you can also tell that she is nervous as she wait for Lauren to talk again.

"I know you're still not sure about this, but I want you to know I'm sure and serious about us. I loved you before and I love you even more now. I know it's scary, I myself can't imagine losing our friendship but what if we're keeping our self  from doing something that might lead us to the best thing that can ever happen? But I will wait for you Camila, I will wait until you wanna be my girlfriend already" Lauren said sincerely, holding the other girl's hand her swing twisted to look at Camila.

"Don't wait" Camila answered shortly and Lauren's face fell, feeling sadness filling her hope slowly vanishing.

"Oh okay"

"You don't to have wait, because I am yours. Ever since I am yours Lauren" And instantly her whole face lit up, throwing her arms around Camila.

"You have no idea how happy I am right now. I am going to take care of you and your heart Camz"

"I love you Lauren"

"I love you too Cameela"

Camila chuckled when she remembered how Lauren emphasized her name then because she really hate it when people mispronounced it. The taller girl pulled her girlfriend closer, going behind her wrapping her arms her chin rested on top of her head.

"Time goes by so fast. Imagine five years had passed since then" Lauren mused, the breeze is slightly cold so Lauren rubbed Camila's arm to produce heat.

"I know right. We were so young and if my younger self knew we would be this happy I bet she wouldn't hesitate" she let herself get comfortable with Lauren's embrace that she rested her head on her chest.

"It's still okay you know. At least we didn't rush things, and with us being like this right now I won't change anything. Because this" Lauren gestured to the both of them and their surroundings before continuing her sentence.

"Make everything right"

Camila didn't talk but squeezed her hands in return for the sign of agreement, they stayed there just looking at the part that has a big part in their relationship. Can you imagine five years of being together? For the both of them it is something they should be proud of, it is something they want the whole world to know.

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