Chapter TwentyEight

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"So Mila we haven't talk about Shawn meeting your dad" Dinah said with a suggestive smile, with all the years she spent with the girl she knew exactly what's going on in her mind.

"Oh China stop smiling at me like that" she rolled her eyes, and focused on her guitar. She and Shawn promised Sofia that they will perform together during Chrismast Eve, that is later.

"Come on Mila, did you guys take it to another level?" Normani chimed in, curious as Dinah even Ally waited for her to tell them excitedly.

"You guys are misreading Shawn's friendly gestures" she huffed, giving up on practicing. She know she can't do it while she is under a NORMINAHLLY'S INTEROGATION. Besides she already knew the song for Shawn taught her for the past couple of days.

"You're still so oblivious, even a blind person can see that he likes you" Ally said, crossing her legs.

"I just don't want to assume things" she said seriously.

"You're not assuming everything, maybe he's not saying it directly but he is sending you subtle messages about his feelings" Normani who is now lying flat on her stomach on the floor said.

"Are you girls sure?" She asked.

"Of course. We may not be guys but we've seen a lot do that to us" Dinah said smirking.

"Don't you like him?" Ally asked.

"I don't know he is a nice guy and there's no reason for me not to like him but..."

"But?" Normani asked.

"But, Lauren" Ally answered before she even can.

"Girls it's not easy to get over a 5 years relationship, especially Lauren isn't just my ex she is far more than that, you should know that more than anyone" she explained herself and look at her friends' reaction but they just stared understandingly at her.

"We know Mila, but don't close doors for new relationship. Maybe you're missing something great" Dinah said.

"I don't want to rush things, we'll see what will happen" she spoke softly.

"Alright then but remember we will always be here no matter what okay?" Normani said smiling sincerely at her.

"I'll keep that in mind" she said returning the smile.

"Oh befofe I forget, He and Lauren would both be there later isn't that going to be AKA-Awkward?" Ally asked, she is addicted to that movie.

"Ally why do you do this?" She asked with disbelief making the other two burst out in laughter.

"Y'all are so mean" the shortest girl said, pouting.

"Sorry AllyCat. But I don't know, I hope not" she answered clinging onto her.

Camila knows she have something for Shawn, she feel things that she never felt before, his company warms her heart in an unexplainable way, seeing his boyish smile makes her stomach feel butterfly, and she loves having him around. She know that she cares for him although it is just a short period of time, but unlike with Lauren she is not scared to lose him not because she doesn't care but because she is confident he won't leave with no valuable reason.

But Camila also knows that she still love Lauren, her feelings for the girl who she once called hers doesn't easily left. For heaven's sake, the girl used to be her world, she imagined a future with her, she hoped on marrying her someday and build their own family. But she knows she can't be back with her anymore, not just becuase Lauren doesn't want to but with a lot of reasons too.


They are all gathered in the park in their neighborhood, it filled with colorful lights, Christmas songs are playing on the back ground, the kids are devouring the sweet treats while playing around, she and the girls are all seating around the table talking animatedly Taylor, Chris, and Brandon(correct me if I'm wrong with the name) with them. Lauren is present as well sitting on bench not too far from where they are talking with Camila's sister and she assumed that the kid now understands their situation well 'cause she is now close with Lauren like they were before, as hard as it is she tore her gaze away. The adults are still preparing the food for later, they want to eat at exactly 12:00 all together, it is some kind of an old thing for them.

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