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Camila closed the album that reminded her all of the memories back when she was still a teenager, she looked up and stared at the pictures of her and the girls back when they had a road trip around Miami during their vacation before they went to college. And then her eyes set on the picture of her and Lauren when they are still kids, they are grinning at the camera still both oblivious to the pain the world can make you feel.

Her phone rang and a smile is ghosting on her lips as she saw Lauren's name on display, she answered it and went to her window and sat on the balcony.

There she saw Lauren who looks like she just woke up, Camila had been awake for a while now and she knew that Lauren would call her as soon as she wakes up.

"I heard that my best friend is back in town" Lauren said, from where she is she can clearly see that playful smile Lauren have.

"Shut up Lauren, don't act like we didn't board the same plane" She said rolling her eyes at her best friend.

"Oh sorry grumpy Cabello, thought you were my best friend" Lauren chuckled.

"You suck" She grumbled, propping her head on one of her hands.

"But you love me Camz" Lauren grinned.

"Unfortunately, yeah" She faked a sad smile.

"Whatever. We should go and wake the girls up" The green eyed girl suggested.

"Yeah, hurry your ass up" Camila said before laughing. Lauren waved good bye and Camila went to fix her bed.

Maybe that's one of the things that will never change between them.

Camila remember the day she and Lauren accepted the fact that they are better as best friends, that day when they ended their relationship, in the park where it all started is also the park where it ended.

From that day till now she and Lauren managed to break the odds, they are the first ever exeption to the fact that ex lovers can't be friends. What they have is beautiful, ethereal even. A lot of people can't believe it but they always do tha same; shrug and then smile. It just so happens that they both accepted that things sometimes turn into something new, new but still something beautiful.

Sometimes for us to be able to grow and experience new things is we need to let go of something we 'think' we can't live without.


"I can't believe it's been almost five years since we last came here" Normani mused, her eyes scanning their old tree house.

"We are stupid to abandon it" Dinah commented, running her fingers to the shelves and blew the dust away.

"I feel such a grown up" Ally said nostalgia and euphoria hitting her at the same time.

"Yeah look at us here. We look so innocent" Lauren said, an old photo on her hand and then handed it to Ally.

"I can't believe we're done with school" Camila said grinning happily and feeling proud of how far they all come.

If you are wondering what happened to them during all those years; Ally went to the University of Miami, she said that she doesn't want to be away from her family. Dinah went to California and studied there, she barely go home due to her tight schedule. Normani went to New York, there she became a theater actress and a model, did some show and that's about it. Lauren and Camila attended the same college, during the time they are in a relationship they applied to colleges together that's why when they both got accepted in the University they are dreaming to go they both grabbed the opportunity, all the past put aside.

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