Chapter Three

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"Lauren get off. I'm doing my homework." Camila said slightly pushing Lauren away who's trying to lay on her lap.

She looks so cute pouting at her but she knew that she have to finish this now. Besides they can have all their time for the weekend since tomorrow is Friday. A week of school will finally end tomorrow, Camila never really liked the idea of being surrounded by bunch of people she doesn't hate school but she hates being center of attention, and right now the idea of being in school became even more unappealing to her, she loves to learn new things everyday. But the idea of Phoebe being with them with every possible time she can, it's not that she's got anything against her, the truth is the girl is really nice, so nice that it's hard to believe to be true. The way she have googly eyes when she's looking at Lauren, the smile she gives her is different, and many more Camila can notice it but she doesn't want to make this an issue as long as Lauren doesn't look at her that way that's all that matters.

"Earth to Camila" Lauren said snapping her fingers on her face, followed with a chuckled when she saw Camila's startled expression.

"You were saying?" she asked when she finally got back to reality.

"Nothing. I was just watching you, what were you thinking?"

"Nothing in particular." she mumbled looking back at her notebook, Lauren hummed and is now completely laying on her lap. She let her knowing how persuasive she can be and worked silently.

Finally Lauren stopped annoying Camila and they both fell into a comfortable silence, Camila's brow were furrowed she's now almost finished on her Math homework unlike most kids she doesn't hate the said subject in fact she really like it and it is her favorite. During her last problem she heard Lauren singing softly to their song, a smile slowly formed into her face and she started to work faster.

"You make me strong" Lauren sang a little louder and Camila stopped her.

"Wait babe." she said putting down her notebook and carefully lifted Lauren so she can stand up, she walked over to her guitar. She picked it up and went back to her sit on her bed.

Both girl smiled as Lauren already knew why Camila stopped her, the familiar strumming of the guitar filled the room and soon Lauren started singing.

"My hands,

Your hands

Tied up
Like two ships.

Waves try to break it.
I'd do anything to save it.
Why is it so hard to say it?

My heart,
Your heart
Sit tight like book ends.

Between us
Written with no end.
So many words we're not saying.
Don't wanna wait 'til it's gone.
You make me strong."

Lauren smiled at Camila and the other girl returned the smile her hands still playing the chords as she prepared herself to sing the next lines with Lauren.

"I'm sorry if I say, "I need you."
But I don't care,
I'm not scared of love.
'Cause when I'm not with you I'm weaker.
Is that so wrong?
Is it so wrong
That you make me strong?"

And the green eyed girl stop letting her girlfriend sing.

"Think of
How much

Love that's been wasted.

Trying to escape it.
Move on to stop their heart breaking.
But there's nothing I'm running from.
You make me strong.

I'm sorry if I say, "I need you."
But I don't care,
I'm not scared of love.
'Cause when I'm not with you I'm weaker.
Is that so wrong?
Is it so wrong?

So, baby, hold on to my heart, oh, oh.
Need you to keep me from falling apart.
I'll always hold on.
'Cause you make me strong."

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