Chapter ThirtyFive

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After the girls drop Lauren off at her house all the green eyed girl did is cry. It is worse than break up, she doesn't know how Camila felt during the time they went their separate ways but maybe what she is feeling right now is close to what she went through. If this is karma's way to bite her ass back it sure as hell got her pretty good. All Camila's words dug a knife in her heart and twisted it again and again.

She is angry at herself the way she acted earlier, how she approached Camila. All the things Camila told her made her see things, it slapped her real hard right in the face. And if the rejection doesn't hurt enough, Camila have to run to Shawn's arms like her own life depended on it, it reminded her of all the times her ex-girlfriend would run to her arms during the times she's really upset over something.

Ex-girlfriend, wow! Lauren really need to wrap her mind around that thought. She's really crazy, crazy for even thinking that she doesn't need Camila in her life anymore, and what's worst is she let her go. She let her go for someone she thought she need and want. And now it's all too late.

There was a knock on her door but she ignored it, maybe it's Taylor. But it was followed by another knock, and another until she spoke.

"It's open" she said.

"Lauren" Clara, her mom is peeking at the door as if asking for permission. She just shrugged , she felt her bed dipped.

"Sweetie, do want to talk about it?" She asked softly. Lauren thought about it for a moment and decided she really does want someone to talk to. Maybe it will help clear her mind.

"Mom I miss her. And I regret all the things I did. I regret it, why did I let her go? I was a fool mom, she's all I want, all I need. I still love her so much" she cried, she sat up to face her mom.

"Honey, don't say that. You made a mistake, but at least you are brave enough to take responsibilty and admit it. And you still have time to fix it"

"I talked to Camila. It didn't went well. She said I can't fix us anymore" she said sadly.

"Huh? Why?" Her mom is wearing a frown.

"I was drunk last night and I don't know what came into my mind and I went to her and kissed her. She got mad at me, so I want to apologize to her but she won't listen earlier" she explained.

"Did the event earlier is the reason why you're crying?"

"Yeah. I got mad and she got mad as well. Mom why is it like this? Before she was begging me to stay with her and now that I realized all my mistakes she don't want to be with me anymore. It's confusing mom"

"Sweetie listen okay?" Her mom caressed her face and she nodded waiting for her to talk.

"You can't blame Camila. You told her to let you go and so she did. Camila changed a lot ever since you two broke up. It's not good to say it this way but that break up was such a good thing to happen to her. She got really strong and now can stand for herself. In the first place you, yourself said she depends so much on you. Camila won't just sit there to wait for you to take her back, and that's what you taught her. During the time you kept your distance she learned how to live her life without you, it is sad but that's the truth."

"Does that mean I won't ever be part of her life anymore?" She whispered sadly.

"Of course not. You will always be part of her life honey. She love you so much. But accept whatever she offers you"

"If you two are really meant to be then maybe someday you will have a much better ending" her mom said smiling softly.

"Thank you mami" she said hugging her.

"Make it all right this time okay" with that she nodded.

She may not understand a lot before but the talk she had with her mom really helped her a lot. Maybe they can't be the way they used to but Lauren won't ever let Camila not be a part of her life or vice versa.


In a week they will all graduate in high school and within a couple of months they will all go their separate ways. It is something she never use to worry about before but right now, with everything that happened she doesn't want to be away from her friends for a long time. They all grew up together, used to being near each other's faces and now they will work on being use to not being near each other.

Lauren still have a big problem to solve, time won't stop for her. Sooner rather than later she need to talk to Camila and make up with her. You seen it would be so much easier if she have the guts to do so or if Camila doesn't ignore her. When she will come to hang out with them Camila acts as if she wasn't there. The girls tried to leave them together but Camila always have her way to avoid her.

She toss the softball ball and caught, she is sitting on the front step of their house, sweats trickling down her body, the wind doesn't help with the hot weather. She heard the Cabello's front door open she was hoping to see Camila but it is the younger Cabello who is now smiling at her, she blinked a couple of times and returned the gesture.

Sofi run to their house, white fence is the only thing that separate all of their houses so it wasn't such a hard thing to do. Although her relationship with Camila changed she and Sofi remained close, the child was distant to her before but Sofia warm up to her again for an unknown reason.

"Hey Lolo" the child greeted gleefully. Her cute, chubby cheeks and contagious smile brought a smile to Lauren's lips.

"Hey kid. What's up?" She greeted back, patting the spot next to her and Sofia took it, to then grab the ball from her hand and play with it.

"Well you look sad, I don't want to see you sad so let's play" Lauren want to melt right then and there.

"That's so nice Sofi, thank you" she cooed ruffling her hair.

"Are you sad because Mila is ignoring you?"

"Ummm. Well yeah, kind of" she answered.

"I miss the times the three of us play and eat ice cream" Sofia said sadly but she lifted her head.

"Hey I miss those times too but guess what? We can still play and get ice cream" she said hoping it will work.

"Really?!" Her eyes are glowing with joy.

"Of course. Sofi maybe there are some things that changed but that doesn't mean we can't do the things we used to do. You will always be my butterfly queen # 1" Lauren grinned at her.

"Kaki said she will always love you" Lauren frowned but a small smile is  playing on her lips.

"Oh really?"

"Yes. She said it will never change. She will always love you, so don't be sad although Kaki is ignoring you now I know she cares for you Lo"

"Oh Sofi. You really is something else. I love your sister too, so much" she smiled, she scrunched up her nose and leaned forward to give the child an eskimo kiss.

If one day, they can have their second chance Lauren would do everything to make sure they won't ever break up again. It is sad that she have learn the hard way but not everything go our way. We should all learn to cope up with things and changes no matter how hard it gets.

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