Chapter TwentyFive

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Camila felt her bed dip and she heard her friends' familiar giggling waking her from her slumber, she groaned covering her face with a pillow to block their voices. It was yanked off from her the sun hitting her face, it took some time for her eyes to adjust to the light and saw her friends hovering above her grinning innocently.

"Girls let me sleep" she groaned trying to cover her self but failed.

"Nah uh. Mila this is your first day to be back in school. We can be all together smothering our beauty and hotness around campus. And besides all of our classes are together isn't that great?!" Dinah said enthusiastically.

"First of Dinah eew, if I can remember it's just the three of us who have those. And second ugh I can't bear with you annoyings all day" she made a face and sat up.

"Mila! I agree with the Dinah part but I can't believe you called me annoying" Ally protested and she laughed at the way Dinah's jaw fell after Ally said that.

"Damn Dinah, you got burn real hard girl" Normani said laughing at the blonde's face.

"I hate you guys. Wait until I Poly beat down you three" she said flexing her neck and punching her hand for effect making them all laugh.

"Anyway I'll just take a quick shower and wait for me, I'll treat you guys breakfast" Camila said grabbing her clothes winking at them.

"Waffle House!" Ally yelled excitedly.

"Oh God please no" both Dinah and Normani said dramatically.

Camila chuckled at her friends' antics closing the door behind her. And as she said she took a quick shower and once she's dressed she went to her friends who are already downstairs talking to her mom who looks in a hurry, she also saw Sofi with them giggling at something Normani said.

Her mom saw her telling her good bye and hurried outside making her way to her car and soon they heard it speed off.

"Kaki you guys are going to drop me off at school!" Her little sister told her excitedly.

"Calm down nugget and give me a good morning kiss" Sofia happily run towards her clinging onto her legs and she bent down to receive her kiss.

"Okay Cabello 1 & 2 let's go!" Dinah said and they chuckled.

They got inside the car and Ally is the one driving, with Normani on the passenger's seat, the three others at the back. Sofia's school is near their destination which is in IHop it turns out they convinced Ally to not go to waflle house this time. Beyonce's song is blasting as they all jam with her, Her sister dancing along with Dinah. And she realized how it still feels right and happy without Lauren with them. Although she feel like they are incomplete she's still happy they are still doing all of this together.

Once they reached Sofi's school they let her get out and said their good byes the kid giving each of them a kiss on the cheek, Normani watch her waiting until she got inside the school grouds.

"Bye Sofi! Kick ass out there" she shouted Ally slapping her lightly.

"Bye Beyonce!" They heard Sofi's little voice shout back.

All of them stared at Normani with eyebrows furrowed and she turned towards them.

"What?" She asked innocently with a smirk.

"Whatever. I'm still Sofi's No. 1 Beybey" Dinah stuck out her tongue.

"Oh come one Dj. Stop fooling yourself" Normani gagged back.

And until they reached IHop, finished eating and all the two argue who Sofi's No. 1 Beyonce. Ally and Camila shook their heads at their friends leaving them and went out to go to their car. The two ran after them.

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