Chapter Eleven

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Moments later the girls are still laying on Camila's bed inside her room, huddled closely to each other when Normani lifted the blanket and a really bad smell filled in their nostrils, Lauren is the first one to react after smelling it.

"The heck! Dinah! Did you fart?!"she exclaimed from her position, fanning the front of her face to get rid of the stinky smell.

"The nerve! It wasn't me!" Dinah said back, throwing a pillow her way, a hand still covering her nose. Camila and Normani are sitting as well muttering some 'Oh gosh' and 'That's so gross', all four of them are sitting arguing except Ally. Ally! She's so red lying there holding there holding back her laughter as she heard her friends argue to which one of them farted and it's actually her.

"Ally! Gosh! You're so nasty" Normani said smacking her butt, Ally is still laughing and the girls are complaining at her. The shortest girl sat up stifling her laughter facing her friends who're looking at her with grossed out expression.

"What? I can't hold it longer" she said in a baby voice.

"Babyyyyy" the four said in unison mimicking Ally when she's talking to Troy over the phone.

"You guys are so mean" Ally pouted, and they all laughed at her.

"But seriously Ally that's so nasty" Camila said.

"Stop acting like you guys didn't do that before too. And Lauren did as well last week when we're watching a movie!" the shorter girl kept defending herself.

"To my defense, I'm sick and I can't control it" Lauren retorted.

"Duh you could've still warned us" Ally said contuining the banter.

"Now look who's talking"

"I tried to" the shortest girl in te room said inna baby voice and they all cracked up.

A few moments later, after the girls continued to talk about how terrible their best friend's fart is. A head popped up in the room as they were all oblivious about it until...

"Oh my gosh! Camila what is that terrible smell?!" Sinuhe exclaimed with her cuban accent making the girls laugh once more Ally turning red in embarrassment.

"It's Ally's fart!" Normani answered being the first one to recover.

"That's nasty. Go downstairs now" Camila's mom said leaving the door open muttering inaudible words.

With that being said all the girls followed Sinu's instruction, racing their way to the kitchen acting like they weren't in their senior year of high school. They took the usual spot on the counter aisle's chair like they usually does whenever they're at the Cabello's. Sinu and Ale watched them in amusement, serving them their breakfast and letting them do their business from there.

There's Ally, Lauren, and Normani eating silently and then there's Dinah and Camila who's slapping each others hand away just to protect their food growling at each other like two tigers fighting for a piece of meat they just ignored them because it's nothing new to any of them. Alejandro and Clara shook their heads and went to do their own business.

"Girls let's do something today" Ally suggested.

"Do what?" Dinah asked, shoving the last amount of food in her mouth that's on her plate.

"Anything. Or let's take our bikes and go to our secret place" she suggested.

"Yeah that sounds fun" Lauren nodded in agreement.

"It is duh. Just like the old times?" Normani asked leaning her head a little grinning at them.

"Just like the old times!" The other four squealed with excitement in their eyes.

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