Chapter Forty

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After Lauren left crying, Camila didn't have enough strenght to follow her and tell her that she never intended to make her feel like she want Lauren out of her life. All this time she thought all the scars are healed, she was too busy being strong that she also become indenial for the fact that she is not completely healed from her and Lauren's break up. She really thought it was all okay, but Lauren's right getting over something doesn't happen overnight.

Now it is all clear to her why it doesn'r feel right to be with Lauren again, she's not mad nor scared. It's none of those. Because until now there are wounds that are open and she know that for her to completely heal is to give her time for herself. They won't be able to fix each other when they are both broken. Things doesn't always go our way and she know it now.

She and Shawn are in the park, they look like they snucked out of the party, dressed in some fancy clothes sitting under the moonlight. She told him about it and just like before he is there for her.

"Are you sure you want me to be here? Maybe you want some time alone." He said kindly, adjusting his guitar.

"No stay. "You're the kind of person I wanna be with when I want to be alone." Now I know what that means." She shared a sad smile on her lips.

"I am honored to be that person then." He smiled at her.

None of them is talking, silence can say at much. It is funny that they are here when they are suppose to be in school for the ball. But Shawn knows that this is what she needs. And he played chords with his guitar silently, his best way to conver his thoughts.

"She would not show that she was afraid,
But being and feeling alone was too much to face,
Though everyone said that she was so strong,
What they didn't know is that she could barely carry on."

Camila's head snapped to his direction and he stared at her, letting her know that this song is for her.

"But she knew that she would be okay, so she didn't let it get in her way,"

He closed his eyes breaking away from their staring moment, the surprise and adoration in her eyes was too much.

"Sometimes it all gets a little to much,
But you gotta realize that soon the fog will clear up,
And you don't have to be afraid because we're all the same,
And we know that sometimes it all gets a little too much, yeah." He finished, ge couldn't control hiself and put down tha guitar to hug Camila.

Shawn pulled her closer, letting her head rest on his shoulder and she sobbed, crying like a child.

"Whatever you are going through, I know you can do this.  Believe in yourself. And I want you to know how proud I am of you. You are by far the bravest person that I've met." He whispered. Caressing her head.

"It's okay to be weak and cry sometimes, you are human and it's bound to happen. But I want you to promise me one thing?" He said pulling away from Camila, she stared back at him. Waiting for him to finish his sentence.

"Promise me that you will always go on, because eventually it will all be okay. Hmm? Promise me that?" Camila nodded and Shawn pulled her in for another hug again.

"No matter what will happen, I will always believe in you. I will always be here Camila. I love you." He said and kisses her forehead.

She didn't speak but hug him tightly, words aren't needed. She love him and he knows that.

She and Lauren broke up but of the things she is thankful for is, it lead her to him.


She and Shawn are now in the Auditorium watching everyone dance, she can see Dinah and Normani dancing their heart out, and Ally is with them laughing at her friends.

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