Chapter Thirteen

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Camila heaved a long sigh once she was seated on her chair for her last class, she and Lauren had one of their nonesense arguments... again. They've been having them for about a month now. Some comes from various reason but mostly about Lauren spending too much time with Phoebe. It wasn't even that long since they met her when school started but it's always her side that Lauren takes. All the girls can see it but it seems like Lauren is blinded with everything, the reason... Camila knows but can't even say it in her mind. She tries to dismiss the unpleasant thought as much as she can but simply can't. Lauren's change in behavior is one of the things that make it harder for her.

She tried to talk to Lauren about all of her thoughts and insecurities but it always end up with one thing.. a fight. It's either Lauren getting too defesive or getting annoyed with Camila's nagging. She's so different, there are times she's extra sweet and times that she acts like she's just half there. It's not like what it used to be, that when Camila's mad at her she'd do anything so the other girl would forgive her but now if she says it once and Camila is still mad she'd get angry and leave that will make the other girl do something to make it up to her. She would forgive Camila and will say "forget it" with bored tone unlike before they would discuss it. It's really a big change and Camila's not used to it, she don't know what to do or who to talk to. The girls are dealing with their own problems and too shy to bother them. It wasn't a problem before because her girlfriend/best friend was always there to listen and tell her nice things to lift her spirit up but slowly she's getting out of her grasp.

She wasn't mad though, she can never stay mad at her. Her love for her is too much to make her mad. She's hurt but most of all afraid of something she can't even think to happen.

The bell rung waking her senses bringing her back to the still more scaring and hurtful reality. She stood up walking mindlessly until she bumped someone, she said an inaudible sorry waiting to land on her but when an all to familiar arm caught her. She grabbed her shoulder for support and steady her balance. One she's on her feet she met her mesmerizing green eyes that are alreading staring at her worriedly and with guilt.

"Camz" she whispered softly, the nickname she wanted to hear for a long time now escaped her favorite's person's lips.

"I'm sorry" they both said at the same time.

"No-" they both said, this time causing them to giggle and smiled at each other.

Now instead of saying it verbaly they hugged each other tight letting their feelings be felt. Camila can feel her Lauren this time and she realized how much she had missed her. The students walking in the hallway are used to them, for the years that they'd been studying in this school it's not an unusual thing to see. In fact they are the longest running couple, that with the next yearbook they would get that title that will add up to previous that they got.

"Look what we have here." Normani's teasing voice made them seperate, Lauren intertwined their fingers and faced their friends.

"Looks like Camren is back on track" Ally smiled at them, knowing what the two had been going through.

"U.S.S Camren is sailing smoothly!" Dinah said loudly causing not just them to laugh but everyone who heard them.

Maybe they can really overcome all that's come.


The girls decided to walk instead of drive their car that is now being taken care of Chris and Taylor that are more than happy to do the task.

They are talking about everything and anything they could think of. Lauren's phone shut down to avoid any distraction. Their hands are locked together that makes Camila's heart flutter like it always does.

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