Chapter Seventeen

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Two weeks since Camila and Lauren broke up, and each day Camila's state is getting worse. At first she can still handle it, well... not so well but enough to get her through the day. It's impossible for Camila to forget Lauren, she's everywhere. Her room, their living room, kitchen, dining, the streets, in school, most of Camila's existence in this world she's been with Lauren and every memory the porcelain skinned girl is always in them. It's harder in school though, because she get to see her all smiley and stuff it was okay before at least she have something to wake up for but the fact that it's not her who's making her smile, hurts. The pity look she got from everyone in school isn't much of an help either, her friends acts differently towards her like she's something fragile... and maybe she is. That's why she can't really blame them.

You can pretty much say she just go with the flow, thinking that she'll survive the day just like yesterday. It is a big change not having Lauren around and she can't wrap her mind around the thought. She did everything she could think of so she and Lauren can be together again, but the other girl made it clear she doesn't want to do anything with her again. Maybe she won't really be okay about their break up, that she'll never recover and accept that Lauren is no longer hers. And she give her space like how she asked her.

Camila is still dealing with it fine, until the rumors of Lauren and Phoebe dating started to be get everyone's attention, the constant talking and gossiping doesn't help the situation.

It's painful and funny at the same time, how Lauren got over her so easily. The way she's acting is unbelievable, like the almost 12 years of friendship is nothing. The 5 years of them being crazily in love with each other turns out to be not bother Lauren so much. What hurts Camila more is she's also the reason why the girl's friendship with the girls got affected by them breaking up. She doesn't get anything.

So here she is sitting in her room staring blankly at her wall that used to be filled with pictures of her and Lauren, Lauren by herself. She can't bear to look at them, how much love Lauren's eyes show in those so she took them down keeping them inside a box hinding it.

All she need is Lauren's love and affection, if they'd give her another chance she will definitely grab it. The heartbreak she's going through turns out to much worse than what she read from books. Only if this is a book and she is the author who can easily re-write everything to make it work again.

She stood up from her bed, leaving the room. She passed her mom in the living room as if she didn't see her. Her mom who always keep an eye on her lets her go, she's been doing it since the break up and maybe her mom figured out she'll be back again just let her have an alone time with herself.

Maybe Sinu's afraid to leave her daughter, that she might to something cause Camila mentioned about kinda forgetting about it when she's asleep except from the dreams or nightmares to better describe it and if only she can sleep forever to not feel any pain anymore. So from there her mom always make sure someone's looking after her. She can't care less, she just let things happen. She's not even with them most of the times, only her body.

She started walking towards the park, it's been her safe place. It is the only place that doesn't remind her of Lauren although she go there to cry it helps her a lot.

Just like before a hot chocolate is already waiting for her there, it's always warm because he/she knows what time Camila comes there. She still don't have any idea who the person is, but she know that this person is also one of Camila's reason to still wake up. She badly want to meet him/her but he is so good at hiding. All of his post-it notes hidden in a box inside Camila's room. She haven't told anyone about the place or about the person giving her, her favorite drink. It is her secret, something she want to keep for herself, for a little sanity.

She picked up the note and read it.

"I hope that it will make you smile this time. I've been trying for kind of a long time now. Please? :))"

She shook her head, a small smile appearing from her lips hiding it afraid someone's watching her. She kept the note in her pocket. And sips from the cup looking up at the sky looking at the stars.

Star gazing is one of her and Lauren's favorite thing to do, the stories they make to entertain each other while they are under the beautiful source of light. She wiped her tear away, drinking from her cup again closing her eyes to savor it. Camila inhaled deeply to calm herself, and once she opened her eyes there stood a beautiful young man looking at her with his light brown eyes that matches his hair color. And a playful smile visible on his pink lips showing his perfect white teeth. Camila blinked a few time making sure he's not part of her ussua imagination that earns a chuckle from him.

"Hey loner" he spoke, his voice also match his manly appearance with that perfect structured jaw line.

"Umm Hi?" She said unsure, and suddenly Camila felt something she haven't for some time now. Her heart jumping sensing life, it's nothing close compare on how Lauren make her heart go crazy but it's something.

"I've tried everything to see your beautiful smile but failed so I said why not show her my handsome face maybe it'll make her smile?" He smiled his tone playful and it's hard not to smile back at him.

"There it is. See you're far more beautiful when you smile. Now you can be friends with a pretty boy like me" he smirks, maybe if he's not him Camila is already annoyed and rolled her eyes at him but he is different.

"So finally you decided to show me who you are" she said, talking to him feels comfortable like they've been talking for a long time.

"Well yeah, I'm tired seeing you sulk and cry over here. Such a beautiful place to cry" he answered sitting next to her.

"Hey distance" Camila said moving away "I don't know if you're some serial killer. And decided to do so what an unfortunate event for me considering no one comes here often" she said playfully, for a moment her problems forgotten.

"Yeah? Well you pretty much doesn't suspect anything before considering you always enjoy the hot chocolate" he bites back matching her playful mood.

"Haha well yeah. Speaking of thanks, what a coincidence you know my favorite drink" she smiled softly taking a sip.

"Well it is mine too. I mean who doesn't love hot chocolate?"

"Don't forget the cinnamon" Camila reminded. The conversation still going light and playful.

"Of course" he smiled.

"What a relief that you're not an phedo old man"

"Didn't know a loner like you can be this funny"

"Hey I'm not a loner" she protest.

"Okay. Whatever makes you sleep at night"

And their chat kept on, they talk like they are old friends catching up. Telling each other how they found this place that eventually leads Camila to open up about Lauren, surprisingly. Which made her cry but the not so stranger young man quick to bring back her smile. And inspite of his playful personality her got serious and gave her some advice. She don't know why it's so easy for her to talk to him when she haven't did that to her friends after the break up. He really is something else, new, and refreshing.

"Well stalker. My name's Camila Cabello, bet you want to know" she teased holding out her hand.

"You bet. Beautiful name that suits a beautiful girl. The name's Shawn, Shawn Mendes" he took a playful bow, took her hand. Their eyes lock with each other's a genuine smile on both their lips.

A/N: Finally Shawn's character is already revealed. I've been so excited for it, hope you liked it. Thank you! Have a wonderful life

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