Chapter Eight

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Camila followed the waiter who's guiding her to a table, she made reservation for both her and Lauren since she didn't get a chance to do something for their anniversary. Both of them weren't really fond of fancy restaurants but Camila thought it would be nice to bring Lauren to place like this and make her feel special because she deserve it. She doesn't really mind spending a good amount of money sometimes to spoil her girlfriend and herself. Even their 3 other best friend doesn't really like this kind of place, when their parents would set a date for them to hang out they would hide in their favorite and secret place or would make a excuse just to leave early... and yes even Ally who they like to call Allysus sometimes because of how strong her faith to our God is, which is good.

The middle aged man ushered her to a table for two, she thanked him smiling kindly before making herself comfortable. Not too long after the waiter left her, he came back holding a bottle of wine and a glass approaching her.

"Can you give me some water instead? And I'd take the order when my girlfriend arrives I'm still waiting for her" she spoke. Declining his offer.

"Right away ma'am. Do you like some form of entertainment? Like a magazine or a book?" he asked smiling a little at her, at first she though he's going to judge her by her statement earlier. Even though she and Lauren have been dating for five years they still can't shake off that feeling, because come on let's all face it and be honest some people weren't still used to this kind of relationships and others are too shallow that they even judge them.

"A book would do" she answered.

He came back pushing a cart with lots of books in it, and served her a glass of water. After he made sure she's settled he left telling her to just call him if she need anything.

She started to read the book while waiting for Lauren, they were supposed to go here together but an unexpected errand came up so they decided to just meet up. It's still kind of early though because she want to be here when Lauren comes. 

She is really excited about this, Camila enjoy every moment she's with Lauren. Even when they're not even doing anything but the fact she spent the rest of her entire existence so far with the green eyed girl make feel really happy and blessed. She already talked to the restaurant to bake them a nutella cake for their celebration it's Lauren's favorite so she made sure to give her that, also inside her bag a matching anklets that says strong and she wrote her a letter. Her girlfriend is kind of old school and love things like those, she prefer handwritten letters than text, chat, post. etc. She doesn't have a problem with that since it's one of the way she know to at least show her what she feel towards her. Most of the times Camila doesn't even really know what love means, she remember Lauren telling her that too. But she know deep within her she love Lauren with ever bits of her heart and ever fiber of her body.

"Would you like to order now ma'am?" a voice snapped Camila out of her own world she got so engrossed on the book that she forgot she's not in her room.

She glanced at her watch and saw it is already 7:30 in the evening it's almost an hour since she came, she took the menu and scanned it. Her mind wasn't in the task at hand though, she worried and wondering why Lauren isn't here yet, to think that the girl doesn't like being late.

"Ma'am?" he said trying to get her attention.

"Oh sorry, umm give me some appetizer first. She still hasn't arrived" she said biting her lip and he nodded smiling understandably at her.

She checked her phone if ever Lauren texted her but there's no sign of her, she texted her to inform her she's already waiting for her girlfriend.

Skipping all the details Camila is now looking at the cake that the waiter just served, it's already 9:00 and even just the shadow of Lauren didn't show up. She look stupid sitting and eating there alone, she can also see the pity in the waiter's eyes and she feel even more ashamed she wanted to cry but it would make her look even more stupid than she already is.

She's hoping that Lauren would enter the said place saying sorry repeated to her for making her wait for so long but that didn't happen, it won't happen. She's there for almost 3 freaking hours and she didn't even sent her a single text. She took out her gift on the bag and place it on the table beside the cake.

It feels like a movie, where one of the lead character would wait. She's the only customer left to be honest and she's wondering why they didn't made her leave yet. Camila stood up and made her way out, she is just waiting for nothing. But she won't go home, she don't want to be there at least not yet. Ally dropped her off earlier using their car, Camila have two choices call Ally or go for a walk she like the sound of the second option better.

"Wait!" she turned around hope filling her heat but soon left when she found out it wasn't Lauren.

"You left your things in there" the waiter earlier said, she wonder why is he still here.

"Just nevermind those, may I ask why are you still here?"

"Oh I own this" he answered like it's nothing and she's shock.

"Then why are you working? I mean.. you know"

"When I have free time, I like to things I am used to. I started as a janitor in a restaurant and ended up having my own for working hard" he said humbly smiling at her.

"That's so great wow" she blurted out.

"It is. Aren't you going to get those back?" and in answer she simply shook her head.

"Call me Rico, I've seen you here before with your family and the beautiful young lady you are waiting. Don't give up easily okay? And feel free to come here..." he trailed off not knowing her name.

"Camila" she smiled.

"Take care Camila" he said and she started to walk away.

She started wandering around thinking of a place where she know Lauren won't see her, just in case she'll go after her and go crazy finding her. She chuckled bitterly at the thought, she saw a abandoned park and walked over to a bench, she's holding a purse on one hand the other holding her heels. Her feet are killing her so she took them off and walked barefoot.

If it weren't for the droplets of tears that went on her hand she won't noticed that she's crying she wiped them off. It started pouring more rapidly now wiping them is useless so she let her tears cry. Camila doesn't know what to feel, but most of all she's insecure. Lately she can feel the change of their relationship, it wasn't like before well she still feel the exact same thing for her heck even stronger but Lauren is not the same, she slightly changed. She know her to well inside and out that she won't noticed those. But Camila decided to keep her mouth shut about it, because she feel like it's just her and her insecurities specially now with Phoebe in the picture. Lauren made it clear that she is not interested on her but sometimes her actions says the other thing.

It is the first time Lauren ever ditched her like this, with no single phone call or text she turned of her phone and she have no idea if she tried calling her. She want to stay here for awhile than going back there and in case she is waiting for her she can't face her, she don't want to. This is time is one of those rare times that she don't want to see the porcelain skinned girl, maybe this is the first time she strongly feel that she do not want to be near her. So maybe it is better to stay there for a while and go home later.

A/N: I'm sorry guys I'm busy with school and I am trying my best to make it better.

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