Chapter Ten

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Although Camila went inside their house last night it wasn't true that she didn't care, she practically have to lock herself inside the bathroom just to stop herself from running into Lauren and forgiving her. It may sound a little irrational but she's really hurt of what she found out accidentally last night. When Lauren didn't show up she thought that she was just really busy with the said "errand" that she didn't make it, it upset her but most of all made her sad but when she found out Lauren actually went to see Phoebe it made her mad, to think her girlfriend lied to her which she doesn't usually do added up to her rage.

Last night she was standing by her window watching the four other girls fighting the strong urge to go out and join them to make up with Lauren already, she went to bed when she saw them leaving the front of their house. She laid on her bed facing the ceiling which is full of different butterfly paintings, tossing and turning trying to get herself to sleep but failed miserably.

And now here she is wide awake, she got the chance to sleep last night but it wasn't enough for her to have enough energy to get up early and be a ball of sunshine. Her eyes sting due to lack of rest and her head hurts due to the same reason. Then her mind start to wonder whether the girl on the house across from theirs gotten any sleep, knowing her maybe she also didn't. Ugh! Never mind she's too pissed at her to be concerned whether she slept well or not besides she ditched her for freaking Phoebe! Of all people without even thinking what she's feeling while being there waiting for nothing.

Considering they don't fight often it was new to her to wake up and not going straight to her window to see her already smiling at her or groggily answering the phone, her mind continue to work when she heard her door open, thinking that it was her mom she didn't bother to move nor close her eyes. When she saw Lauren staring down at her, who also look tired and sleepy she moved and turned her back on her.

She jump a little when she felt her arms wrapped around her waist she tried to remove it but the green eyed girl tightened her hold causing Camila to groan and helplessly stay on her position, Lauren's face is buried on Camila's back and she felt her t-shirt got wet, she heard Lauren sniffed and if it wasn't for her tears that traveled their path down her cheeks she will not realize she's also crying with her. She stopped herself from facing her, as she felt the other girl scooted closer crying silently. She tried to get up but was refrained from doing it due to Lauren who clung tightly to her.

"Lauren" she swatted emotionless, putting more effort on freeing herself.

"I'm sorry" she said in a small voice and all the walls Camila built are starting to melt down, when they fight it is usually her to say sorry first and just the sound of Lauren's voice made her want to give in.

Slowly she removed her hand and this time Lauren let her she sat up her back still facing her girlfriend she don't think she can face her right now. She wiped her tears and cleared her throat.

"For what? For ditching me and making me wait at the restaurant looking like a fool, or for lying to me so you can hang-out with Phoebe? Or for both?" she asked bitterly.

"I'm saying sorry for both. I don't really know what to say Camz. I was being stupid, and I'm not proud of it"

"I just don't get it, why? Why didn't you just tell me you don't want to go and you'll go to her?" Camila cried finally looking at her.

"It's not that I don't want to. She needed me there, and I didn't mean to not show up, I went there but you're not there anymore. I looked around and you are nowhere to be seen."

"Why didn't you tell me? And are you even going to tell me if I didn't found out myself?"

"Because I know how you feel about her" Lauren reasoned out, and Camila locked their gazes. Her emotionless ones staring onto Lauren's sad and pleading eyes.

"Exactly, and you think you lying to me would make any difference?" she deadpanned.

"I admit all of my mistakes and will own it. I don't know what to say Camz, honestly. You know I'm not good at this but I love you, you know that. I miss you already please forgive me? I really hate it when we fight" Lauren said reaching for her hand.

Not really wanting their fight to make them apart for the day she didn't say anything and pulled her into a hug, it was tight and heartfelt like they haven't seen each other for a long time. Lauren mumbled a 'sorry' which she just nodded and kissed her lips, they both agree to leave it past them and only take the lessons they've learned from it. They laid down, cuddling each other as they felt their selves getting tired and slowly drifting off to sleep. Lauren and Camila doesn't need to talk every time, but she guess it is a good thing to do sometimes for them to be able to understand each other more.


Camila started to stir as she heard some voices and felt like someone is watching her, she let her eyes close because of tiredness. She assumed it's Dinah who's talking, inside her head she shook her head. They are taking pictures of them that's for sure, they love to do that whenever they can. She and Lauren got used to it but there are some times it's annoying, for example today they are doing it again. She grabbed the blanket and covered them but it was stopped by God knows who, she groaned.

"Guys let us sleep" she mumbled trying to pull it again but failed.

"Stay right there, you two look cute" Ally cooed and she snorted.

"We're always cute" she was surprised too just the like her best friends that the green eyed girl is awake.

"Whatever" Normani said.

"Guys get up, it's already afternoon" Ally said pushing them lightly but they didn't move.

"Let us sleep, we're tired. And the sleep we got is not enough" Camila said.

"So are we" Dinah chimed in.

"Then freaking sleep!" Lauren growled hugging her closer.

"You know what Lauren? Of all the things you've said today I agree with that, move your asses and we'll join you"

"The heck?! Go to your house!" Lauren yelled, doing her best to occupy the gigantic bed of Camila but failed.

"Camila make Lauren shut up!" Ally said smacking her ass.

"Was that even necessary?!" Camila said after a groan.

"Yes. Now shut up and let's sleep" Dinah said.

And as you can imagine they are all now occupying Camila's bed, and even though the couple protested they are all sharing the same blanket scooting closer to each other sandwiching CamRen. They were all silent until..

"You know I don't usually say it but I love you all. And I can't imagine my life not having you by my side. I won't replace any of you, even if it's Beyonce" Dinah said and they are all silent again waiting for a response.

"Eww!" the other four said in unison but not meaning it.

"You guys suck!" Dinah said throwing the pillow to them. They started laughing and it died down they are once again enveloped in silence and it's so serene they are all blessed to have each other. And they didn't know it's bound to change...

A/N: Sorry for my sucky updates, It'll get better *I hope so!*
Love you guys!  :*

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