Chapter ThirtySix

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Camila is sitting on the bench next to Shawn, they are in the park where they first met. This park holds a lot of memory of the two of them, this is where they develop feelings for each other. Where she learned to let someone in and see the real her without him trying. This is where Camila find happiness during the days she doesn't want to crack a smile. She found sanity by being in this place alone with the young man. And this place is where she convinced herself to finally let go of the past and welcome a brighter future.

This place was her safe haven, to only place she doesn't see Lauren. It gives her a refreshing feeling, hope and most especially strenght to go on to another day.

One week from now High School will end, all the sad and happy moments she had will be part of history and her memory. She will be apart from the school she used to be familiar and grew comfortable with. And with that short amount of time there are still some things that needs to be done. And one of those, she will do right now. Finally have a talk with Shawn.

And here they are, it wasn't uncomfortable maybe because they both know it will happen sooner or later. Especially after their not so little encounter with Lauren.

"Camila we should promise that nothing will change after this" Shawn spoke breaking the silence, he is looking at her seriously. Times like this is so rare to happen between them but when it does they both know there is no joke that is appropriate.

"Of course. Nothing will change" she said assuring him, he is taller than her that's why she's kinda in awkward position looking up at him.

"Maybe by now or maybe even before you noticed that I treat you more than a friend should. I promise Camila I tried not to feel this way towards you, especially I know that you are still in the process of getting over your past relationship. I don't want to really address this not because I don't like you enough, but, because I know it will seem unfair to you and maybe to others who knows how I really feel about you. That I took advantage of your vulnerability. That is why no matter how hard it was and still is, I always stop myself on making a move on you. I value what we have right now more than my feelings. And I'm sorry for feeling this way" He said sincerely, she know that Shawn is waiting for an answer.

"Shawn. Don't ever say sorry for feeling that way, for being true to yourself. Okay? I know that all your intentions are pure and doesn't want to put me in a bad situation." Camila let out softly, as she stare intently at his hazel eyes.

"The first time I saw you, here exactly in this place, in this spot you were crying and I have this urge to do something and cheer you up. Like there's a voice in my head telling me that it is the right thing to do, until I started to see you often, and of course crying and I saw that in some way I am helping you so I didn't stop. Camila that was the best thing I ever did in my life, being part of your life and helping you is something else. Like I told you before you are something else, you made me feel things I never felt before. You put smile on my lips so easily, and God seeing you smile makes me jubilant. Never in my life I thought I would actually enjoy being with someone. When you were dazzling under the moon light I know I was a goner. I guess it wasn't hard to like you, what's hard is to stop myself to fall even more for you" he was staring at her all the time he said those. And right in that moment she's seeing Shawn in a different way, in a way she can't decipher.

"Wow" she breathed amazed by all the things she just heard.
"I didn't know you see me that way, I mean.. I had an idea but never thought it was that deep. But Shawn, I don't think I am ready to be in a relationship yet. You know Lauren isn't just like another person, she used to be the reason why I live. I am just starting to get used to be strong on my own. It's not that I don't like you at all but ugh.. how would I explain this. Unfortunately we met and love each other not in the right time, we love each other not in the right moment. But I care about you so much. You... you helped me a lot Shawn, you were there during the times I shutted everyone out. You are the first person to make me believe in myself, something Lauren failed to make me. I feel strong whenever I'm with you, but I don't feel the need that you should be there always to make me feel that way. You are similar to her with one thing but differ from a lot of things. With you it's different. But I'm sorry that I can't reciprocate the feelings you harbor" her mind is racing to thousand thoughts and she doesn't know where to start, and what she said isn't even close to what she want to tell him.

"Camila I didn't tell you this because I want us to be in a relationship. Being a part of your life is enough. As long as I get to tell other people that I have someone like you is more than enough. I can assure that I won't do anything that will ruin what we have, but I can't promise not to love you. I love you Camila, but I am not asking anything in return. I know I sound selfish telling you all this but I want to be honest. I can wait till the day you are ready and I will still wait even if you won't ever be ready to be with me." He is now holding her hand, and the expression he have is pure affection.

"Shawn don't say that. Don't say that you'll wait for me. I don't want you to wait for someone who isn't sure to love you the way you do. I don't want you to waste your time loving someone who will never be able to come for you" she said pleadingly but he doesn't look hurt.

"Okay. I will wait for you until I can, I will love you the way that I do right now for as long as I can" he said smiling softly at her.

"I love you Shawn, maybe not the way that you do. But I do love you, I adore you." She said running her thumb on his soft face as she carress him.

"That's a good thing to hear" he chuckled, his eyes glowing with happiness.

"Promise me something" she said.


"That you won't close your heart to others just because of me. I know you will always love me but I want you to free yourself from any romantic feeling from me and love someone else" she said seriously.

"I promise if that girl ever comes, I will. I promise you that" he said meaning it and she nodded smiling.

She leaned in to hug him, Shawn didn't hesitate and reciprocate, he wrapped his long arms around her tiny body. Camila snuggled closer to his chest enjoying his warmth and listening to the fast beat of his heart.

"We will always be Stranger and Loner" she mumbled, her eyes close as she let the moment take the best of her.

"Always" he whispered kissing the top of her head.

They aren't in a relationship, they are just another proof that loving someone doesn't mean you should be in a relationship. Being friends can be as great as it is, maybe even better. Shawn and Camila are lovers.

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