2. Sage's Punishment

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"Rue I'm sorry!" I began to cry out of pure fear. He hasn't even done anything yet. I found myself frozen in fear. He grabbed me by my waist and set me up in the position he asked for. I didn't move. I already pissed him off enough so I didn't want to anymore but I was scared shitless. Rue didn't care. I heard him take of his belt. And I squeezed my eyes shut, awaiting my punishment.

"You are getting this spanking because you skipped school, left school without any security, and you disobeyed me multiple times downstairs." Rue listed out my offenses like I was a criminal.

I started to sob quietly.

He doubled the belt and swung.

The first smack absolutely stung. "Ow!" I screamed. I've never been smacked before, I knew it would hurt but damn! Not like this!

He started up again swinging the belt across my ass constantly, ignoring my cries. After about 20 smacks I couldn't feel my legs. I was crying so much, begging Rue to stop but he didn't. I swung my hands back to cover my butt to stop him. I couldn't take anymore.

"Hands in front Sage." He said sternly without any emotion. "Please." I begged. He picked up the belt and smacked my hands with it. "Ahh." I scream.

"Keep disobeying me and the pants come down." He says pissed off. "Hands in front."

I obey him not wanting my butt to bleed. He proceeds smacking my butt over and over again. I couldn't breathe. I tried to beg him to stop but at some point I forgot how to speak. He briefly stopped. "I hate to do this to you Sage. You think I want to make my little sis cry." I listened but I couldn't talk. "This is how it has to be until you choose to listen to me and the rest of your brothers." He continued the spanking.
After those 5 swats he dropped the belt and lifted me up and hugged me tightly.

"I'm sorry!" I cried "I'm so sorry Rue."

"I know little sis." He says snuggling me.

"You are to stay in your room until one of us comes get you for dinner. I have to go deal with our brothers." He says sternly but softly

"Ok." I say.
I wanted to stay in my room anyway. Rue got up and gave me a final hug and left. My ass was stinging. I got up to go in my bathroom too look at my butt. It was bright red. I've never been spanked before and I never want to be spanked again. That was horrible!
My brothers were all still in the living room. I heard them start talking. I want to hear what the punishment is for my brothers! Are they going to get spanked like me? Or what! That's what I assume they're talking about. I sneak out of my room and sit behind the railing of the stairs where they can't see me and stay as quiet as possible. I saw Rue join the group again.

"Brothers. you know Sage's punishment but we haven't told you your punishments for fucking up." River says.

"If you fail to follow the rules, you will get your ass kicked." Rue said bluntly. My eyes grew big. So what he's just going to beat up his own brothers. All my brothers looked confused and kinda pissed. "You are all under me. I can't have my brothers acting stupid in front of business partners, the staff, rival families, and whoever else. You are also soldiers in this business. You need to do what I say, when I say it. I don't want to be going back and forth. Like I say all the time, this industry is life or death!"

What was life or death?! Rival families? I have so many questions and I doubt any of them would be answered. I was so into what Rue was saying that I accidentally hit my knee against the wall near the railing. All my brothers looked in my direction. FUCK! I was done. I backed up planning to make a run for it to my room as soon as I got up Rue grabbed me. "I thought I told you to stay in your room." He said glaring at me. His eyes were dark again. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" I yelled scared for my life. "You'll be sorry. I guess you didn't learn your lesson after your first spanking." He said with no emotion.

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